Chapter 5

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 "Three. Two. One!" Katie counts down before we both take a shot. My face scrunches up at the strong unpleasant burning taste of vodka as it flew down my throat. Katie somehow seemed unaffected.

"Another?" I suggested, half-expecting her enthusiastic agreement.

"Kill me if I ever say no to that." She replies. We request another round of shots for the two of us, counting down before we once again tilt our heads back with the liquor. As the drinks flowed, my sense of counting vanished into the night.

"Is it bad that I can't remember how many we've had now?" I giggle leaning on Katie's shoulder.

"All it means is that I've taught you the proper Irish way to drink." She smiles down at me, clearly managing her liquor better than me.

"I'm so glad I have you on the team." I start a drunken blabber, the liquor taking control over my speech, "Williamson is such a pain in my ass."

"You know," she pauses before she continues, "She is not all that bad."

"Yeah?" I doubtfully questioned.

"Oh, don't get me wrong- everything that you've complained about her has been completely accurate, but once you get to know her there are a lot of things that make her so much more likable. She just takes a little time to warm up and show you those parts of herself."

"I'll believe it when I see it, Katie." I sigh.

"Trust me, no matter what she does that makes me want to hate her, I just can't."

"Glad to hear I'm not the only one that wants to hate her." I laugh.

"I mean at the game yesterday you two seemed to be civil at least," she eased, "When she scored you two seemed even a bit chummy." Bringing up the game Katie's tone turned bitter.

Was Katie... jealous?

"Don't worry. The drive home was everything but." I retort without thinking. Nobody knew about Leah taking me home, let alone Katie.

She leaned away and raised her eyebrow at me. "Oh!" I begin to rush out my words in a panic, "Yeah no it's just that I took an Uber to the stadium so she offered to take me back and so I mean I don't have to be convinced to not sit in an awkward car ride with a stranger after a game, and anyways she only chastised me the whole time it's not like it was even-"

"Geez Y/N." Katie begins to softly chuckle. "What did the great Leah Williamson have to chastise you for after scoring in your debut game?" Her words seem innocent, but something tells me that her intentions don't match her nonchalant tone, when I've had too many shots to count, the net that catches bad ideas gets wheeled away to who knows where.

"She thought we were sleeping together."

Her cheeks flush almost instantly with an addictive blush. It's rare to see her in that state, out of control. How I'd like to see her like that again. "Us?" She said, pointing her finger back and forth between us. "We barely know each other."

"See now that is what I should have told her." I let out a groan. Even in a drunken state, I know what I told Leah was not smart at all.

"Which is..."

"Something along the line of 'It is none of your business who I would sleep with' and that I could sleep with whoever I wanted. But it didn't even matter because she embarrassed me by telling me about the no dating teammates rule." I lean my head in my hands as I talk to her.

She first begins to smile, then grin, and before I can fully process why, she is fully folded over in laughter. I am sincerely confused as to why she is having such a fit over Leah chastising me when she reaches over and grabs my knee to stabilize herself. I now start to blush at the feeling of her hand on my leg. "I can't believe she told you that that was a rule Y/N."

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now