Chapter 11

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Over the next few days, I began to throw together my belongings and pack for camp. Any time I thought about the fact that I was going to my first National Team camp, my heart raced. I'd like to say that the excitement outweighed the nerves, but that would just be a lie. The whole flight from London to Los Angeles, my hands were gripped on the armrests, knuckles white with anticipation and jitters.

I know what I have to do, and I know that I have the ability necessary to prove that I deserve a permanent space on the team. I am glad to get away from London for a bit. Don't get me wrong, I love it there and have never been happier. But dealing with Leah and Katie... really makes a girl dizzy.

After landing and collecting my baggage, I got into the van that had been sent for me by the team. Nobody else rode with me.

My leg bounced relentlessly on the way to the hotel. As soon as I get into my room I unpack the suitcase, grateful for anything to do but worry about the upcoming camp. Lindsay Horan was assigned as my roommate, which could not have been any better. I have known Lindsay for two years, having played on the Thorns together. We had never been exceptionally close, but when you spend that much time together, you begin to know practically everything about one another.

One thing about Linsay is that she has dedication. I mean the girl is ready for bed and lights out by 8pm. I am not quite on that level of discipline, so I follow suit about an hour later.

I had just set my phone down for the night when it let out a slight buzz, illuminating the ceiling with a notification. I grab my phone and see a message from Katie:

You're going to do amazing tomorrow.

Her simple text makes my heart flutter and a smile form at the corner of my lips. I reply:

What are you doing awake so early?

Miss me already?

I watch as the bubbles indicating her upcoming response dance across the corner of the screen before disappearing.

Something like that.

Get some sleep Y/N.

I smiled at the messages and set my phone back down. She cared enough to reassure me the night before my first call-up. She knew I would be nervous, and she woke up early to reassure me.


Stretching on the grass in the morning sun made me realize how much I had missed the California sunshine. Lindsay has not let me leave her side, deciding that I am her new apprentice who she will bestow all of her knowledge upon.

I hold onto her shoulder, and her onto mine as we do leg swings. I hadn't talked much at all, opting for watching the members of the team and how they interact with one another.

"Are you freaking out?" Lindsay breaks the silence between us as we switch legs.

"Surprisingly no." I reply truthfully. Having just gone through a similar process at Arsenal recently, I'm practically a professional at being the newbie to the team.

"Good," Lindsay replied with a nod, her gaze shifting to the rest of the team as they began assembling for practice. "Let's get to work."

We joined the rest of the team, the energy palpable as we prepared for the day's training session. Coach Vlatko Andonovski wasted no time, immediately outlining the drills for the day. My focus sharpened as I listened intently, ready to absorb every instruction, ready and confident in my abilities.

The first drill was a passing sequence designed to enhance our ball control and precision. Carli Lloyd, ever the powerhouse, led the charge, her passes crisp and purposeful. I positioned myself strategically, always ready to intercept and distribute the ball with precision.

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now