Chapter 16

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"You showed up." She says as she opens the door to me. I held up the bags of groceries that I had gotten on my way over to her place. As usual, she looks beautiful, even in a simple pair of pants and t-shirt.

"Of course I showed up." She steps to the side letting me enter her apartment. I look around, this being my first time here, the place is decorated perfectly. Every corner of the room seemingly done by a professional. She clearly has good taste. I turned back to look at her as she closed the door behind us, looking her up and down. I smile at her sincerely, "You look incredible."

She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist, holding onto me tightly, "I'm not wearing anything special." She laughs, but then places a light kiss on my lips, "but so do you."

I thank her, "thank you, now I have some bomb omelets to make, so I should probably get started in the kitchen."

"Or I could just take you to my bed." She offers jokingly.

"As appealing as that sounds, I need you to know how amazing of a chef I am."

She nods her head, "you're right. Plus, I did want to talk to you about something."

When in the world has a sentence that ends with 'we need to talk' no matter which way that it is worded, ever ended in a good way? The second the words leave her mouth, the pit in my stomach expands, slowly consuming me.

"Talk about..." I questioned, egging her to continue it now and get it over with.

"Let's just go into the kitchen, we can talk there."


I wait patiently for Katie to start talking, which seems to take forever. I set the contents of my shopping bags onto the countertop and begin to prepare the food. I wait with anticipation to find out what it was Katie wanted to talk about. I grab a knife and cutting board and begin to sigh as I cut the vegetables.

"You wanted to talk?" I finally ask, desperate to get it over with.

"Yeah, I just liked watching you flustered waiting to hear what I had to say." She says with a small laugh, "If I didn't know better I would have thought you had a guilty conscious."

I let out a nervous chuckle. Maybe because I am.

"But seriously Y/N, I like you a lot." She takes a deep breath, "but you've seemed a little distant lately if you're not feeling this there's no hard feelings. I'm not going to force you to like me.'

"I've just been dealing with a lot, and I know I've probably not been the best to be around but from now on I'm going to be a lot better." I lie. My stomach turns as the thought of telling her what I'd done briefly enters my mind. "Just a lot of jet lag and stress, what with my first National callup and signing here. But I'm happy and getting back into the motions."

Yes, sleeping with our teammate, your friend, behind your back is extremely tiring and thus my poor attitude and shady behavior.

She is biting her lips in thought when I look up from my cutting board up at her, "I just want to make sure that is what you want before things get serious, I want you to be one hundred percent sure."

I nod my head. I do want to want this.

She tilts her head "So?"

"I'm sure."


Despite a few minor hiccups and a few failed omelets, I managed to make a good meal and we had a decent stay-in date. And even though my nerves have calmed I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt flicker inside me every time I tell a lie.

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now