quīnquāgintā quīnque

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Sans examined the giant hole in his hoodie, mumbling to himself about needing to get a new one. (Y/n) looked up from the book she was reading on sending demons back to their universe, quickly pulling her blue hoodie off her frame and handing it to him from her crisscrossed position on the bed beside him. His sockets widened as he put it on, surprised to find it fit him surprisingly well, and he shot her a grin as he put his hands in his pockets, relaxing for the first time in a long while. "Thanks kiddo."

With the answer to (Y/n)'s question about how to send the demons back contained in one of her dad's old books, she and Theodore went back to the lake home to find the answer. The demons came with since they couldn't stay in the warehouse, and to say the house was lively was an understatement. (Y/n) had holed up in the master bedroom to get away from the racket, and evidently Sans had the same idea as he laid on the bed for a nap. It wasn't a couch, unfortunately, but he couldn't sleep with all the demons in the living room—and that was saying something.

Sans lay back on the bed to watch her sort through the books, silently monitoring her progress towards sending him home as he fluffed his pillow, kicked one leg over the other, and put his hands behind his weary skull, able to truly rest for the first time in several years. Theodore elected to put in an order for celebratory champagne to relax after years of fighting. It arrived some time ago and it did everything but quiet the demons' noise. (Y/n) found the celebration to be fun but she needed to send the demons back, electing to stay in the bedroom to sort through this mess while they partied—she wasn't much of a party girl anyways.

"How'd you get involved in this demonic business?" Sans asked casually, sitting up and resting his jaw on his hand as his calm white eyelights curiously rested on her. Now that they weren't fighting, (Y/n) found it a lot easier to relax around the original demon. He had no soul contract to force him to do anything and it showed. His smile was easier, his posture relaxed, his clothes lighter shades—like the dark plague that had been controlling him for years was finally lifted—and he actually seemed happy. She wondered how long he'd been deprived of something as basic as happiness.

"It's a long story," (Y/n) answered, smiling shyly at him. He kept his eyelights on her, waiting, so she told him the entire story. He listened patiently as she flipped through books and talked about her adventures with Nightmare and his minions, what led her to summoning in the first place, and how she even ended up in this mess.

When (Y/n) was finally done, Sans chuckled softly. "Talk about bad luck, kitty."

She perked up, her face going bright red. "Kitty?"

"Black cats are bad luck." He winked. "And, well, you remind me of someone." There was almost an affectionate hint to the way he spoke, and she felt her face redden further, but before she could ask, he continued. "How's your search coming along?"

"Slow," she mumbled sourly. She figured it would be easy to find the spell to send a demon back to their universe but she wasn't quite so fortunate. Or maybe she was just subconsciously taking her time.

"Eh, fine by me." Sans laid back on the king-sized bed, closing his sockets. "Means I can get in a quick catnap, heh." She snickered at the pun, but her head rose as the door to the bedroom opened.

"Hey doc," Fell said, nodding in a hello as he shut the door behind him. He started calling her doc back when she used healing magic on him after the surprise attack from Ink, Epic, and Reaper. She thought it was rather sweet of him, and when she asked him why he called her that, he shrugged and looked away. "Dunno," he had said. "You just remind me of someone, I guess."

"Hey Fell," (Y/n) said sweetly. His sockets widened a fraction like they always did when she was nice to him—like he couldn't quite believe a human was so damn nice—before he covered it with an eye roll.

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