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Hey my beautiful readers! This is a non-canon bonus chapter between you and Cross for all the oreo lovers reading this! It's basically just bonus fluff and has no bearing on the actual plot (i.e. non-canon), but it's a break from the story so you can relax and enjoy some cutesy stuff stress-free (IF YOU WANT! YOU CAN SKIP THIS AND MISS NOTHING!). And hey, you're at a lake home! It'd be a crime not to have at least some fun on the lake, no? (Ironic I'm posting a summer-themed bonus on Halloween, but that is when the story takes place so...)

You'll notice immediately this bonus chapter is light-hearted and I don't take anything seriously (a complete contrast to the canon chapters) so hopefully that helps you enjoy the fluff & dissociate it from the canon storyline. It's been killing me not to make self-aware jokes lmao-

Killer disappeared—though it probably had nothing to do with getting yelled at by his dad, Nightmare, and all to do with Cross staying for longer than was safe for (Y/n)'s family. So while Killer took over guard duty, (Y/n) showed Cross all over the house save for the front yard by the front door where the Ring camera was—though she also conveniently avoided the bathroom she hid the cow figurine in.

As she and Cross walked by the lake, her eyes locked onto the jetski. She happened to rent it along with the house itself, and since she was hanging with her oreo, she figured now was a great time to use it. "Hey Cross, you wanna ride on the jetski with me?" she asked brightly, and he rose a browbone.

"What's the purpose?"


"I don't know what that is."

"We're gonna ride around for funsies."

"You've lost me." She sighed and pulled him into the house, where she threw a pair of swim trunks at him and told him to change. It took a while—though that was likely due to the complexity of his outfit and thus it wasn't easy to just strip out of—before he came out with an obvious violet blush across his cheekbones and his black and white trunks. She already changed into her swimsuit, but he respectfully kept his eyes to himself (that's a lie, he was totally staring out of the corner of his socket). He had his arms crossed over his body like that would hide any of his bones as he tried to keep up his stoic appearance, but under (Y/n)'s obvious staring, it faltered into bashfulness.

"What are you looking at?" he grumbled. She had to swallow due to all her salivating before she could answer.



"Don't get cross with me. You're hot." The blush got worse and his brain fried. He'd never really been complimented before, never mind by a cute girl. She grinned cheekily. "Now come on." She grabbed his hand to pull him towards the dock, and as he followed her, he couldn't help but focus way too much on her hand in his. Despite his attempts to divide his attention, he couldn't think of anything but her, and he kept his gaze pointed away so she wouldn't notice. And because she's dense and unobservant, she didn't.

Conveniently there were two lifejackets on the dock, and (Y/n) climbed aboard the jetski readily, but Cross hesitated. She smiled up at him, looking like a little ray of sunshine, and his gaze couldn't help but soften. Despite how little he liked being open (or liked people that were gonna die at the end of the story), he had a soft spot for her.

"Come on!" She held out her hand to him, inviting him aboard, and he debated for a long moment if he was willing to get so close to her on this motorized water vehicle. He didn't understand the point of this, but if it allowed him to enjoy just a little bit of time off—with his princess no less—then he might as well take it. He snagged the life vests and carefully climbed onto the jetski behind her.

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