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Error is—in Layman's terms—one angry bitchless motherfucker. You add a demon's heat on top of his normal behavior and you get a being ready to explode—or in his case, on the verge of glitching out of existence. The others knew better than to talk to him at all during their heat week, especially towards the end. So of course with his luck, he got Thursday, and crocheting up a storm only did so much to calm himself down, but it worked. Barely.

Needless to say, by the time his day rolled around, the anger had all but replaced his phobia and he was not about to wait another second. All he needed was (Y/n).

Marching outside, Error found her sunbathing in the hammock. She was wearing an adorable little sundress with a big floppy hat and sunglasses, and she had a book in her hands. At his approach, she looked up with a smile.

"Hey Error!" Her smile was as bright as the sun, and despite his heat crazed mind, he almost stopped walking just to stare at her. She was beautiful. But then he snapped out of it and glared at her. She'd look even better bound in his strings moaning his name. She slid the sunglasses down her nose to look at him with confusion. "What's wrong?" The book snapped shut as he awkwardly looked down. He'd spent all his time angrily crocheting and imagining what he'd do with her when Thursday came, but he'd never once thought about how he'd get her to agree. He knew demons typically had a courting process where they tried to woo the female, but uh...he'd never needed to do it before.

"Error? You're starting to scare me," (Y/n) said, laughing awkwardly as she played with the book in her hands. No no no, this was bad, he didn't want to scare her away! He unknowingly glared angrily at her as he felt his control of the situation slipping away, and his glitching got noticeably worse. A delicate thing like mating had never been his forte, but you'd think with all his strategic ability he'd be able to woo (Y/n) easily. You'd be wrong.

"How's your week been?" he asked, the words coming out forced and uncomfortable. This whole situation was awkward, and even for a dense girl like her, she picked up on it.

"Hard," she admitted, then her eyes went wide. "I mean- um, it's been long- I mean- fuck- wait, uh, shit balls-" Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as he laughed softly. At least he wasn't the only awkward one. She breathed in and out slowly as her eyes darted away from him. "But you didn't visit to hear about how the others, um, did their thing. So what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd be interested in going somewhere discreet with me?" Error nervously fiddled with his strings, the blue blush on his skull matching the strings coming out of his sockets—though the blush was still plenty visible. All his anger amounted to nothing when he had not a single suave bone in his body, but for the sake of finally sating his heat and cashing in his one opportunity with (Y/n), he had to make this work somehow.

"Where?" She tilted her head. He wasn't about to risk any of the others walking in on him—knowing them, it wouldn't be accidental—so he'd scoped out a private location in preparation for today.

"I assure you it's safe." He held out his hand to her, and she rose a brow as she gently placed her hand in his. When he didn't glitch out from physical contact, her eyes widened. The power of the horny supersedes the power of his phobia, it seemed. He pulled her to her feet then opened a portal, and as she followed him through it, she realized she was back home. He noticed the way her entire demeanor softened at the familiarity—like the feeling of home was more than just a safe location to her—and he felt his own nerves relax. Maybe he wasn't as bad at this as he thought.

"And you're sure we'll be safe here?" (Y/n) asked, turning to him hopefully. He nodded.

"Waylon's demons will be much too preoccupied satisfying their needs to come after us, and any human we encounter will be no match for me." Error smirked, his strategic ability at least helping in this regard. His human was more than safe with him. She smiled at that.

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