Epilogue: A few months later...

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"I'm still going to get them." Lexie said ruefully as theystand outside a large building with white steps leading up to an overbearing door.

"Why do you think I brought you here? To play Monopoly?" Katherine said corrosively. She was getting real tired of Lexie's attitude all the time.

The door opened after they stood outside in the cold for about two minutes. A tall man with a pointy black beard looked down at them with a questioning look on his face.

"Hello sir, we were wondering if you'd---"

"Look I don't want to buy any of your Girl Scout cookies, I already have 10 boxes inside," the man said, trying to close the door on the girls.

"Faith, trust and..." the girls started, reciting the slogan of the Believer group.

"Pixie dust; now get in." The man told the girls and allowed them into his home.

His home was full of clocks, which made sense, since the man's profession was a clock-maker. He escorted the girls into his office which was his only area without clocks.

"What do you two need." He asked, his voice crackly.

"We need your help. We need to destroy your son, Mr. Dile. I'm guessing you are aware of what he has done to the Believer group?" Katherine pressured her opinion.

"Yes. And anything I can do to force that boy to grow up and get a real life is my pleasure," his smile was like a crocodile's.

"Do we have a deal?" Lexie asked, with so much anger in her body since the others took something important from her.

"We do." He agreed, as he shook the outreached hook of a right hand.

To be continued?

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