The next day with the Realists... (Chapter 3)

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Kira woke up in her room still pissed off. It had taken her almost 2 hours to get all the paint out of her hair, and to take enough Tylenol to sedate a small elephant to get rid of the still-throbbing pain.

"Nice of you to finally join the living." Emily said, on the couch having her bandages from last night's events changed by Ben. Kira gave Emily her special middle finger presentation. A smile from her roommate showed that Emily doesn't care.

"Breakfast is ready! We've got a big day ahead so gather around the table!" Kevin yelled from the kitchen. He enjoyed helping Zoe with breakfast since he always got first dibs.

Everyone ran into the kitchen to grab food when Kira asked Grace, "Wait, why will it be a big day?" A wink from Freyja next to Grace was never a good sign.

10 minutes later they were all sat around the long table located in the dining room. Zoe at the head, Emily and Kira sat on either side of her. Everyone else was scattered. Only the first three sit in the same spot every day at breakfast.

"So you all are aware of what went down last night, correct?" Zoe began, addressing her group headfirst.

"Yes I do believe we all are very aware" Emily laughed out, staring at Kira while she said so. Another middle finger presentation. This got Emily giddy, two already this morning and Kira's only been up for less than 20 minutes.

"Chill, you two. I think we know where this is going, Zoe." Ben analyzed from the situation and Zoe's seriousness.

"Yes, of course. The Believers overstepped the line yesterday. Coming onto our territory and assaulting one of our own was an act of oppression. We have to remind them we are a force to be reckoned with." Zoe slammed her fist down onto the table.

"What are we going to do about it?" Kevin questioned.

Zoe looked up with a small smile, "We're going to fight back."

With that, the table erupted with battle cries. Zoe started with "And this is just how we're going to do so..."

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