Into the woods Kira goes... (Chapter 8)

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Kira was upset, angry, crying, pms-ing, just in such a bad mood that the last person she wanted to see was anyone. Of course she happened to run into someone, the population of this town wasn't exactly small.

"Why hello there little girl." A voice spoke behind Kira's body. She turned to see it was Lexie, a Believer.

"What do you want?" Kira tried to say, through the tears she had in her eyes.

"It's great to see you here. You were actually the one I was looking for." She very clearly is holding something behind her back but would not present to the crying girl yet.

"Again. What do you want, asshole?" Kira said back, regaining some of her sass.

"It's your fault, you know. Why Peter wouldn't accept me." Her dark hair blended in with the landscape surrounding her.

"What are you talking about? We've known each other for like a week." Yes, it's only been that long. But true love is quick.

"A week where I tried and failed to get his attention because of you!" She took out a baseball bat menacingly. "Now you're going to have to pay for that." And she attempted to hit Kira with the bat. But before the bat can come into contact with Kira, Lexie was thrown into a tree and held up by the neck by none other than, Peter Pan himself.

"You tried to HURT her?!" He yelled into her face. She shook her head furiously. "You're a liar, Lexie!" He punched her in the stomach with his other hand. Hard. Lexie crumpled to the ground.

"Peter? What are you doing here?" Kira asked her knight in shining jean shorts.

"Saving you possibly?" He offered his green hoodie to her which she gladly took on this shivering night. They cuddled while Lexie was down near the tree.

"I can't go back now. I've attacked one of my own, they wouldn't let me back, even if I wanted. Which quite frankly, I don't" he looked at Kira's face.

"Just kiss me you goober." She smiled at him. He obeyed her command and kissed her. They were perfectly happy, making out with each other in the woods until Lexie made a coherent groan, like she was going to get up.

"I have to go back now before they think I've been kidnapped or something." She gave him a little peck.

"But I told you, I can't go back. Not after what I did."

"Then come with me. I'm sure I'll be able to convince them to work something out." Kira smiled back at him.

"Thanks Kir." Another kiss was exchanged between them.

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