Prologue: Let's get this thing started

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Some people believe in fate and destiny. That their future is written out in the stars or something. These people are labeled "Believers" while the people who are more skeptical about their futures are the "Realists". Many people in Oar's Rest, Michigan conformed to one of the two groups. At least all the teenagers and young adults; generally people over the age of about 30 refuse to succumb to childish ways of gang wars.

The leader of the Realist side was Zoe. She is a bit shady, but was automatically unanimously voted for by the rest of the central group due to the dark girl's intelligence. She can lead very well, even though she doubts her own ability. She always puts her personal issues aside to focus on her crew. She can get the rest of the group out of trouble, like they are often in.

Part of that, okay, MOST of that was because of Emily, her right hand woman. While Emily may have a bit of a temper, she comes in handy whenever secrets are at barter. She's got a knack for getting into uncomfortable situations with the Believers, but Zoe is always there to get her out; hence them being best friends (they've been super close friends for nine out of their 22 years). Another pro to having Emily on the Realist side was that she was so protective of the others in her small little family, that she would mess you up if you messed with her friends.

Another major player on the Realist side is named Kira. Kira did not believe in fate or trust, having been betrayed at a young age by the person she was "meant to be with." She was only 18 at the time. Now at 21, as a legal adult, she has undoubtedly chosen the side of the Realists in hopes that the Believers would grow up and let their "destiny" die.

There were others on the Realist side such as Ben, Freyja, Kevin, and Grace. They aren't as prominent as the other three, but they are still members nonetheless who swore they would have nothing to do with the Believers.

        Now onto the Believers side. The Realists are more proactive about their beliefs while the Believers are more laid back. Except for one certain member of the team, but more on that later.

        Mikayla was leader of the Believers. Called "chief" by the other members she maintains peace and serenity in her group while still dead-set on her own beliefs. People believe she is not capable of hatred, which is why her second-in-command thinks maybe there should be another leader.

        This second in command happens to be a 22 year old boy by the name of Peter. He has true distain for the Realists. His father was one of the founders of the Believers however many years ago, so naturally he felt extremely bias towards them. He didn't understand how people did not believe in fate, destiny, trust, or any other vital things. He was raised in a neighborhood where these things were everywhere, so when the two gangs clashed, he was ready to start a Believers revolution.

        The others in this feud were Lexie, Patrick, Katherine, and little Katie. Katherine and Lexie were the Believer equivalents of Zoe and Emily. Best friends and roommates, those two would die for each other. They trusted each other with nearly everything. Their long-time friendship was ever-so-hard to break up when things got ugly between them and the Realists.

        That was all background knowledge. The real story starts in 2021, on the streets of Oar's Rest, back at the Realists' hideout.

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