Back with the Realists... (Chapter 5)

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"Happy now that you got your revenge, Kir?" Emily asked her on their way back to the base.

"Yes. Yep. Yas. Yeah. Ya. Oui. Sì. Ja." Kira expressed saying yes in as many languages she knew.

"Then I'm glad we took my idea after all." Keven said to the group, nodding his head towards Zoe, of whom he was carrying. She had tripped over her two feet and slammed into a wall, knocking herself unconscious. Ben had already looked at her injury and said she'll be fine, but will have a "huge ass bump."

"Thanks Dr. Ben" Kira said, back to her normal self with all the sass.

"No problemo, plant head" This set Kira off so much that Ben had to hide behind Emily. So an angry Kira stormed off into the shower to avoid the people pissing her off.

"What's her damage? She doesn't usually take my jokes that badly." Ben remarked, feeling bad.

"She's fine. Probably just PMS-ing." Emily said, making everyone laugh. One of the cons with living with girls is that at least one person is on their period all the time.

With everyone making jokes about her outside the bathroom door, Kira has time to reminisce about the past few days' events. Mostly, about the boy clouding her head.

Peter Pan was a unique boy. One who at 22 still has the jovial attributes of a child. The guy who laughed at her as she threw paint balloons at him. The kind of guy who cared about starting something even when there is a gang war going on. A guy with morals. She never had a guy who had those. Not even when she was 18, with the guy she had wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Maybe Peter Pan isn't that bad of a guy.

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