At the Believers' Base... (Chapter 4)

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"Wake up, bro. You dead or something?" Patrick tried to shake Peter awake.

"Yeah man. I'm up." Peter said groggily. Within 15 minutes the boys were up and ready to start their day, meeting the girls in the kitchen.

"Did you sleep off your girl obsession from last night?" Kath asked.

"You mean do I still feel bad? Yes. But not as bad since I dreamt last night about those Realists taking away my happy ending."

"Must be your subconscious trying to tell you something." Lexie pointed out, laying on some seriously aggressive flirt to her voice. But Peter was off in his own world still thinking about the girl he shot last night.

"Well it doesn't matter now. It's all over." Patrick mediated the situation that had gotten somewhat awkward real quick. Mikayla was about to make a speech about something metaphorical but was interrupted by a car alarm going off outside. A look was passed between everyone as they ran outside.

Outside their base was a rainbow of colors. Not because of a rainbow that was sent by fate or anything, but because of the Realists chucking paint-filled water balloons at anything and everything.

Peter ran out into the street to hopefully start a fight, much to his leader's dismay. Katie also ran out, wanting to yell at someone. Patrick, Lexie, Kath, and Mikayla all stood back, trying to get out of paint-fire. Unsuccessfully.

Freyja chased Lexie up the fire escape so she would be trapped at the top while Zoe and Kevin teamed up against Kath and Pat. Zevin vs Libelle (no one knows where that ship name came from though). Grace and Ben took on throwing their ammunition at Mikayla who was trying to make peace. Emily wasn't throwing paint, but yelling very loudly at Katie who was yelling very loudly back.

Kira had the most ammo. She had been paint-balled last night and would not let her attacker go away without the proper revenge.

"PAN! COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!!" she yelled furiously, a green paint-filled balloon in her right hand.

"Look I'm really sorry for last night---" A voice said behind her. She tossed the balloon in that general direction but missed of course. She honestly didn't see much battle; at least not nearly as much as Kevin or Emily.

"No really! I wanted to get Emily! She stalks us all the time and we finally caught her in the act!" Another missed paint balloon.

"Will you just stand STILL!?!" she complained. Peter did.

"Wait really? You're just going to let me get you?" He nodded his head. She threw the balloon but he caught it and threw it at her. For the second time in two days her hair was covered in green paint.

"I'm actually going to kill you Peter Pan." She uttered under the hair curtained around her face. The other blond just laughed.

"I never actually got your name." He laughed as he sat down in front of the pissed off teenage girl.

"Kira" she said before she nailed him in the face with green paint. More paint balloons were then thrown at the boy on the ground who was still laughing. "Let's go guys!" she ordered to the rest of her crew. As they left, the Believers gathered over to Peter, still in the street. They were all covered in a different color.

Mikayla, who was covered in yellow, said "Well that was rude."

Patrick, in orange, asked Peter as they got back inside "Was that her? The one impaling you in the street?"

"Yeah, that was her. That was Kira." Peter explained to Patrick. Little did they know, Lexie overheard the dreaminess in Peter's voice and knew she had to get rid of that girl. As soon as possible.

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