At the Realist base... (Chapter 1)

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"Kevin that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard" Zoe said, slightly annoyed by one of her best friends' attitudes.

"No No! You see what we'd do is fill water balloons with paint and chuck it at their cars!"

"Kevin, just drop the idea. We will get chased down again and remember what happened last time those hippies caught us doing stuff to their property? We nearly got shot." Freyja nagged him, doing Grace's hair all the while. This moment of attack planning was immediately interrupted by a ragged looking Emily breathing heavily bursting through the door.

Emily had been sent out to spy and mess around in the other neighborhood of Oar's Rest, the Believers' side, around an hour ago. Ben, the medic, immediately asked Emily, "What happened? Are you ok?"

Emily looked up from her previous position with a huge grin on her face. "It was FANTASTIC!" Emily goes out on a mission every Friday, yet she always has such a thrill of excitement. She usually does not come back in shredded clothing and blood everywhere.

"So do you want to explain what happened or do we have to guess?" Kira sassed Emily. They have that kind of dynamic in their friendship that is primarily based on sass.

Emily went on to tell her amazing story about how she out-ran the wolves that had been trained by the Believers in the woods, while being patched up by their red-headed medic.

"So why are we supposed to believe all of this?" Kira again sassed Emily. This gave Emily a large devilish smile as she tried to stand up. She was then pushed back down by Ben who said "I'm not done yet! Sit back down! Doctor's orders!"

This caused Emily to huff while at the same time trying to hold back laughter. Ben soon finished stitching her up and told her to go change out of the rags of clothes she currently had on. More huffing and mumbles of "they're probably gone by now" followed Emily into her first story bedroom the she shared with Zoe and Kira so she could change. She came out in a simple purple shirt and jeans. She ran quickly to Kira, grabbed her arm, and shoved her up the fire escape, all the way up to the roof.

"What are we---" Emily cut her off by putting her hand over her mouth. "Shhh! The Believers followed me here. They're down there now." Emily's wild eyes were sparkling.

"What?! Does Zoe know this? If she found out she will flip I---"

"What part of "shh!!" don't you understand?!" Emily whispered back. Kira positioned herself so she could see over the edge of the top of the building. "I really don't see anyone---" This time Emily isn't the one to cut her off. It is a loud cracking sound and a scream of laughter from down below. Kira is then hit by some several paintballs, all of the color green.

"That'll teach you to stalk us!!!" Emily took a quick look down. She quickly recognized K.D. since they have shouting fights constantly and another boy. Emily knows his name is definitely Peter.

"We'll get you Peter Pan! If it's the last thing we do!" Emily screamed out. She crawled over to Kira and helped her down the fire escape. Emily had been hit by paintballs before, and it was NOT a pretty sight.

She was complaining all the way down though. "You see THIS is why I don't do missions. This is why I stay at the base..."

When they got downstairs all of the other members took one look at Kira and laughed. All except for Zoe. While everyone else in the room started singing "What pretty hair! What pretty locks you've got there!" and Emily was doubled over laughing, Zoe took this attack as offensive.

"Kevin, maybe your idea isn't as stupid as I'd originally thought."

Kira's opinion on this entire situation: "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I REALLY hate you, thank you Zoe, I hate you, and most of all, I DESPISE Peter Pan."

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