A few nights later at the Realist hideout... (Chapter 7)

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"Ok Zoe, it's your turn." Emily said upside down. She had to do a handstand for two minutes. "Truth or Dare."

This was a tough decision. If she chose Truth for the third time she'd be labeled a wimp but they could do so many things to her if she chose dare.

"Dare." Emily smiled an evil smile. 'Oh no' ran across Zoe's mind. She doesn't know what secret she will use against her. Emily doesn't say the dare out loud, but instead whispered it into Zoe's ear. Zoe, after hearing the dare, straight up slapped Emily. Emily and Kira both laugh; Kira knew exactly what dare Emily had been just WAITING to give her. After one more dirty-look to both of the laughing girls she stood up and commenced her dare.

She walked right over to Kevin. Now the rest of the group knew what was going on. She sat herself on Kevin's lap and started to make out with him. They looked as if they have had some practice already, not that everyone didn't already get the extreme sexual tension going on between them two. This only confirmed Grace and Freyja's theory. Money was passed throughout the group until the Zevin kiss was over. With a wink from Kevin and a look that said "We'll continue this later," the game carried on.

"Stop giving me those looks you guys it was just a dare. Now Kira, truth or dare?" Zoe said, anxious to get the attention off her.

"Truth." This Kira's first truth of the game they have been playing for two hours.

"What is the deal with you and that Believer boy Peter?" Zoe inquired, curious to know. "Do you guys want the honest answer?"

"You know, I'm going to go up to my room now. Zoe don't forget the things this time." Kevin winked to his girlfriend as he got up to leave. Zoe's face turned as red as Kira's at this point.

Ben was just there like: "I'm very uncomfortable at this point.'"

"Yeah you're going to end up sleeping on the couch tonight." Emily laughed at him, playfully nudging his shoulder.

"But that's not the point. Kira, answer the f*cking question." Clearly Freyja wanted to know too. They all did.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about."

"LIES. LIES ALL OF IT!" Emily yelled.

"Ben is probably very awkward and as much as I want to hear this, Freyja let's take him away from here. It isn't our job to nag her, it's theirs." A groan from Freyja caused Ben to just get up and follow the girls elsewhere.

"Kira, not to call your bullshit, but I'm totally 100% calling your bullshit." Emily replied, with sass, to a red-faced Kira.

"Kir, we're best friends, you don't have to lie to us." Zoe said to her, almost saying "me" at the end instead of "us."

"Do you guys want to hear that I like an enemy of ours?! Because I don't think you do!" Kira exploded. Silence ensued.

"Do we need to have intervention, Zoe?" Emily asked.

"I believe we do my comrade." Zoe said back.

Kira knew this wouldn't end well. They have had interventions before, and they never ended well. Especially with Emily involved. They get loud and out-of-hand.

"Should I start with "how could you" or should you?" Emily crossed her arms.

"I will. How could you like one of those hippies?! They believe in things that make absolutely no logical sense!!"

"Really Kira, all these nice sensible guys like Brett and you have to go choose one that is completely off-limits?!"

"Guys stop! Do you think I chose to like him? Well I didn't! I would never do that to you guys! So just step off, alright?!" Kira said defensibly. "You know I thought you two were my best friends. I guess I should reconsider that, huh?" So naturally she got up and stomped out of the base.

"I'm guessing that didn't go well?" Ben asked, stepping out from underneath the stairs with Grace and Freyja. They clearly heard the entire thing.

Zoe stormed off to Kevin's bedroom really angry. "No, no it didn't." Emily explained to Ben.

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