With Lexie back in the woods... (Chapter 10)

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"Those stupid ass mother f*ckers think they'll get away with this? Oh, they don't know just how wrong they are." Lexie mumbled to herself. She was dragging herself down the sidewalk, clutching her stomach like her organs would fall out if she didn't. It was a long walk at her rate, taking her almost an hour to get back to the base.

When she entered the building, the first thing she did was collapse of pain. Katherine had waited for her to come home, since sometimes Lexie just goes out for long walks because she's Lexie.

Kath did NOT expect her best friend to walk in like that however. She quickly alerted the others to help her through patching her up. Most of the damage was internal, so there wasn't much the Believers could do besides hope she will be ok.

It was a long and strenuous night for them all. Patrick and Katie had fallen asleep at some point; but Mikayla and Kath stayed up all night to constantly check on the condition of their other member. It wasn't until around 3 am that Kath asked, "Where's Peter?"

"I don't actually know. Probably off following his destiny. Like we all should be." Mikayla's eyes looked glossy. Probably from lack of sleep. Kath was pretty sure she looked similar.

"Chief, maybe you should get some sleep too. I can watch her." Mikayla shot her a "thank you" glance and collapsed onto the couch.

"Whoever did this to you is going to pay," Kath whispered to Lexie's sleeping body. "I swear it."

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