The next morning... (Chapter 11)

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Kira woke up on Peter's body. He hadn't had anywhere to sleep besides the couch last night and Kira wasn't going to let him be alone after the kind of night last night was.

"Morning, beautiful." Peter kissed her forehead. She blushed even though they are officially an item.

Grace and Freyja were swooning over the new couple. They did not care that he was the enemy, they were cute, which is what mattered to them.

Emily and Zoe on the other hand, were having a bit of a screaming match in their soundproof meeting room.

"He's the ENEMY. He CAN NOT stay here. He puts us all at risk! He could be feeding them information!" Zoe yelled in Emily's face.

"You don't think I know he's the enemy?! I've spied on them every Friday night for the past three years! But which one is more important?! Him being here?! Or Kira's happiness?! She hasn't be able to love since Dave! So she's finally happy and you don't even care?" Emily defended Kira since even though they fought a lot, she still cared about her feelings.

"Believe me, Em, I care. She could have anyone else if she wanted, I mean look at her! But the enemy?! Because of him, we are all at risk. I'm the leader, I look at what's best for the team, AND what's best for Kira since she's my best friend. This Peter guy, he's not good for us." Zoe looked out the window into the living where Peter was tickling Kira and she was laughing hysterically. They kissed, and Zoe looked away.

"He has a week." She said when she walked out the room. Emily smiled, but she knew Zoe was right. Peter couldn't stay here. But Kira was happy, and she will be happy for a week.

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