Chapter 57

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    (Kolson Pov) 

     A few days later. 7:45 pm. 

                  “ You know what my sister tells me?” Javier replied as he sipped his bottle of beer. 

                   I knew drinking alcohol was bad and frowned upon. But Javier and I were young. It would probably be the Rotters or a person to kill me.  I sipped my bottle of beer as well with my prosthetic hand.  “ No, what?”  

                       “ She said that the crops were dying.” He replied as he finished his beer and threw it at the wall and it shattered.

                      “ Jesus man.” I replied as I jumped a little. “ And I know the crops are dying. Claire and the rest of the council are trying their best to find a solution. We’ll be fine though. We’ve gotten through much harder things before all of this.” 

                   “ Yeah we’ve fought crazy psychopaths and cult groups. We haven’t gone through crop failure. Crops are most of our food supply anyway.” He reached for another beer. 
                 I dragged it away from him. “ You’ve had 3. I think that’s enough. And we can still hunt and there is a lake nearby where we can fish.”

                           He groaned heavily and sat back against the wall. “ Yeah cause I wanna start eating fish all the time. You know how much I fucking hate fish.”

                   “ You swear a lot. More than me. And fish isn’t that bad.” I replied as I set my bottle of beer down onto the carpet next to me.  

                      “ After eating it for a while it is that bad.” He said as he looked at me again. 

       “ I mean probably.” I took another swig of my beer. “ I don’t even know why we are drinking this. It tastes like ass.”

                 “ It lets you loosen up.” Javier answered as he stood up and nearly fell over to the floor. 

                  I quickly managed to catch him before he smashed his face onto the floor. I held him up and looked down at him. “ You okay man?”

                    He nodded as he pulled away from me and sat back against the wall. “ Feeling the effects.”

                          “ Yeah, you would seeing as you downed 3 bottles of beer within 20 minutes.” I said as I looked down towards the 3 beer bottles near him.  

                    He started to laugh. “ Ha. You’re such a smartass. Kolson.” He started to crawl a bit towards me. 

                      “ Man what are you doing?” I asked as I scooted back a little and laughed nervously. 

                      “ Nothing much.” He laughed again as he leaned his face closer towards mine. 

           “ Javier-” I tried moving away from him.

        He was about to lean his face in towards mine and I quickly pulled away. “ Javier, stop. Please.”  

                  He gulped as he coughed a little. “ Sorry.”

              ( Claire Pov)
            “ Crops are failing. The fish in the lake aren't as abundant as they used to be. The animals around the area are growing scarcer and scarcer. If we continue like this, we are all gonna die of starvation. \” I said as I paced across the hardwood floor.  

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