I rolled my eyes and glared at him back. I looked up at Kade. “ Kade open the gate.”

                Lou quickly yelled up at him. “ Don’t you even fucking try Kade or I’ll skin your ass.”  

                Kade stared down at the both of us. “ Screw you Lou.” He then pulled on the lever with both his hands and after he struggled a bit. The gate opened. 

                     The gate opened to Noa and Kala. They were covered in blood and bruises and they were dressed in short skimpy black dresses and had makeup on. I stepped forward and I didn’t say anything and I embraced both of them in a hug. “ It’s good to see you guys.”

                    Noa nodded and she replied. “ It’s good to see you too.”

      I smiled and pulled away. But why were they here? “ But why are you 2 here?’

                   “ We escaped.” Kala replied quietly as she walked inside with Noa. Kade closed the gate and it closed with a loud bang.  

                Maybe I should tell them that Claire, Kolson, and Anais are alive? Should I? I would tell them later I guess. 

                      Lou pushed past me and he stared at them. “ You 2 escaped? And came here? You understand that Abaddon will probably start looking for you and if they find you here he will think we are fucking harboring you and punish us.”

                      “ We had nowhere to go. It was either keep running and get caught by Rotters or come here.” Noa replied as she glared at him. 

               Lou got visibly irritated and yelled.  “ You are putting everyone here at risk! Ever since you fucking people arrived trouble followed! Senna should have never allowed you assholes in here.”   

                     “ Lou shut up.” Kade yelled as he climbed down the ladder. 

       “ Kade shut up.” He shouted back at him. 

                      I rolled my eyes and walked over towards him. I was sick of his shit. I formed my fingers into a fist and punched him in the face hard. He fell back and clutched his now bleeding nose with his hand. He looked up at me with blood flowing down his face. “ You bitch.”

                 He quickly lunged at me and I moved to the side and dodged him. He tried going at me again but Kade and Alejandro held him back. “ Leave her alone.” Alejandro shouted as he pushed Lou away. 

               Lou tried fighting back but seeing he was outmatched he groaned and clutched his nose as he walked away. I sighed and looked at Kade and Alejandro. “ Thanks guys.”

                         “ Yeah you’re welcome.” Kade replied as he brushed off his jeans. He looked over at Noa and Kala. “ So you 2 escaped and Abaddon is probably looking for you 2 right now?”

                  Noa nodded her head in reluctance as she hugged Javier and Alejandro.  
“ Yeah…”

                 Kade sighed as he rubbed his forehead. “ We’ll find you a place to hide if they come here.”

                    Noa nodded again. “ Thank you Kade. Thank you so much.” 

      “ Don’t mention it.” He turned and looked at Marla. “ Marla, can you take them to Amir and Thiago’s house? I’m sure those 2 will know a good hiding place for them.” 

13 Years of StruggleWhere stories live. Discover now