Chapter Fourteen

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I sat at my desk tapping my table as I stared at my computer screen. I had emails to reply to, but I was thinking about Madeline. I was thinking about her gorgeous smile and her laugh. The way she would always move her hair to the side to get it out the way.

For the last few hours all my brain could think about was Madeline. Spending time with her and getting to know her felt new, but also relaxing and almost comforting. Why is she so different? It might just be she's pregnant.

I wouldn't necessarily talk to a lot of the women I have sex with after, not that they usually come up pregnant. Even so, that night I felt a connection with her. I did want to keep talking to her, because sex with her was no like with anybody else.

I rubbed the small bridge between my nose when I realized that I was thinking about Madeline in a way I shouldn't be. I have just been around her few times and this is the way I act? I chuckle to myself as it was unbelievable. I haven't been like this since Lauren and I first met.

Lauren. I still haven't told her about Madeline or the baby. I will have to eventually, but I don't want her involved. It would just be a lot for her to process, especially since we had been trying for a baby for so long. I don't think I can tell her.

I sighed and I rubbed the bridge of my nose again. My office phone began to ring and I leaned over picking it up. I put the phone to my ear and I rested back into my chair.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi," she says.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, you?"

"Great, what do you need?"

I slowly spinned in my chair as I tapped the arms sides. I looked up at the ceiling as I waited for her to tell me. Coincidence that I was just thinking about her and she called me.

"Well um... I have to go to Greece for a week for a shoot, I thought maybe you would want to come so we can see nonna and little Christos," she said.

"I can' but you know I can fly down there any time is anything's wrong," I respond.

"You never take a break anymore. It would be good for you, for us. Just-."

"Lauren, I can't. I will buy a few gifts for nonna and Christos, you can take them with you," I interrupted.

"Okay," she says, weakly.

"Is there anything else?"


"I have to get back to work, bye Lauren."


I placed the phone down back onto the receiver. I picked up my pen from the desk and I tapped it against my desk. She was going to see nonna and Christos. I haven't seen them since the summer. Maybe I will go down there at a different time.

I picked up the phone again to call Krista. I bet she was lazing away at her desk watching some foolish K-drama. I don't understand what is so popular about it. I pressed her number and I waited for her to answer.

"S-sir how can I help?" She spoke.

"Were you watching that stupid show again!?" I scowl.

"Yes... I'm sorry," she apologized.

"I'm going to have IT block your phone, anyways I need you start setting up an invoice so I can send things to Greece."

"Okay, is it for your grandmother?" She asks.

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