Chapter Five

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One Week Later
-One Week Later after the ONS-

I looked at the paperwork on my desk and it was full of bullshit. They thought letting this other company buy more shares? I checked their shares and overall percentages. It was low and I didn't need their investment.

I moved my chair towards the shredder and I put the papers into the shredder. I have been saying I don't want more people investing. Not unless I see proper investors. They would just ruin my shares and honestly I don't want them.

I checked my calendar and my next meeting was in two hours. I wasn't in the mood for anything today. Lauren was getting on my nerves with all this party shit.

She had to throw a party for one model friends and it had to be hosted at our house. I didn't mind, because I barely stayed there anymore, but the constant calls were getting on my nerves. She keeps calling me for approval, when she knows I don't care.

I should have just divorced her few months ago. I picked up my ring and slide it back on my finger. The only reason I wear this ring was for peace reasons that way, we wouldn't argue. She wouldn't go back to drinking and making my life hell.

I get up from the chair and I grab my blazer. I slide it on and walk out my office. My secretary Krista, was sitting at her desk and I assume she was watching some video of sort as she sat there doing nothing at times.

"Krista, I'm going out for lunch. If Lauren comes by send her away."

"Okay sir."

I pressed the elevator buttons and the doors opened. I'm glad I had my own private elevator, because having to wait for the other was annoying. Although, there were allocated times to use this elevator.

I stepped inside and I pressed the ground floor. I pulled out my phone and dialed Damien's number. He answered on the third ring.


"Let's meet for lunch."

"I have a meeting in an hour, what's up?"

"Work and Lauren," I grunt.

"Aren't you two separated?"

"Yes, but I want to get divorce," I grumble.

"Seven years or marriage down the drain just like that," he sighs.

"You don't have to remind me."

"You know, you're the reason why I don't want to get married."

"Don't project your insecurities on me," I scoff.

"I'm not insecure, I just would hate to commit to someone for so long just for it to be nothing in the end."

"Goodbye Damien."

"My meeting finishes at 3, we can have dinner instead," he says, quickly.

"I will think about it."

"Your the one who as-."

I ended the call on him. I put my phone back into my pocket and I looked at my reflection. I think about my marriage with Lauren, it really has changed over the years. Really where did it all go wrong?

In the beginning it was fun, playful and exciting. We were both in love with each other. There wasn't a moment when we weren't missing each other. As we got older work was also more demanding. Lauren was a model, so she had to go out for more shoots and be away for the longest of times.

I had work as well, I stayed late at the office. I would come home late and sometimes she would be sleeping. Sometimes she was never there or I was never there. She started going away for more work and there time between us was becoming more straining.

When we did see each other it was always different. We would have I miss you sex and we would talk, but it would always happened again. It was a pattern that we had that was slowly becoming boring. Five years down the line it just started to go more down hill from there.

She didn't like the rough hard sex as we got older. I was fine with it in the beginning, but eventually it got boring. I had the high libido, she didn't and I accepted that. I never pushed her or cheated, but it didn't matter, we barely saw each other.

She took a break from modeling and we were spending time each with each other. Our marriage was getting a bit better, then she wanted kids. She thought us trying for a child would bring us back together, but deep down I knew it wouldn't. I didn't have an issue with children.

The struggle of her not being able to have kids made it even worse for us. The disappointment of her not being pregnant, spending so much money and it always being the same results. There was a wedge driving between us and we both indulged into work. We never speak anymore or see each other. At times the house is always empty. I stay at my penthouse more frequently.

We made the decision it just wasn't working and she gave up. That had completely damaged our relationship, it should have made us closer but it didn't. Lauren didn't want to divorce, but she was willing to have space between us.

Which is how we are now on a break, so I have been fucking whoever I please. I just have to wear my ring at all times but it's beginning to feel like a burden to me. It's been a few months of this arrangement and I just wanted our marriage to end.

It wasn't the same anymore, it was mentally draining on the both of us. I don't see her as much anymore and sleeping with other women is making me want to divorce her more.

I thought about that one girl from last week. She was something I wasn't expecting. I could tell she liked sex a lot, because she could keep up with me. The only thing that got me was that she had never had her pussy eaten properly. How was that possibly?

She knew how to ride my dick, suck my cock and check all the boxes I needed. She was the perfect person in bed for me that night, yet she had never had her pussy ate? How was she that fucking good, unless she was nervous about it.

At least I was able to make it a pleasurable time for her. It was one of the best nights I have had in a while. She never left her number or anything. Just a nice pair of lingerie that looked sexy on her.

It was shame that she had woken up so early, I would have loved a morning quickie and given her breakfast. It was a disappointment, but it was  also a good thing because Lauren was downstairs when I woke up.

The elevator dinged and I walked out the elevator. Damien texted me a restaurant that we would be eating at for dinner. It was a Mediterranean place. He at least knew some good restaurants.


I yawned as I listen to Evan go on about his project. I didn't find it sustainable, but it wasn't a bad idea. It just needed a bit of work and it would be a good idea. My phone began buzzing in my pocket and I checked it. It was Lauren calling me.

I sighed and I excused myself. I walked out of the meeting and I answered the phone. I wonder what the fuck she wanted me to do now.

"Chris, I wasn't sure if I should use the beige or the cream colored platings, which one do you think would go best with the China's?"

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and I seriously hated that this is what she was calling me for. I knew it was this, but it needed to stop.

"I don't know Lauren, you have a decorator, a party planner, and many organizers for a reason. You do not need my opinion, stop calling me. I was in a middle of a meeting and you disturbed me for decorations?"

"Honey... I just, I just wanted your input. I-."

"Lauren, just choose the cream," I sigh.

"It's alright, I will ask the party planner," she says.

She whispered a short bye and she hung up the phone. I pushed my phone into my pocket and I went back into the meeting. I seriously need to speak to her about getting a divorce or something.


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