Chapter Eleven

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I walked into the the lobby and went to the desk. The receptionist didn't hesitate telling me to go up and what floor to press. I was like alright then, that was easy. I pressed the elevator door and I had to wait for it to come down. It was all the way up on his floor.

I texted to let him know that I was here and I was  waiting on the elevator. I put my phone in my bag and I looked around the lobby. It was very elegant and modern.

The floors were made from marble, the chairs a dark leather cushion with dark sleek coffee tables in between them. The walls were made a nude brown marble that was reflecting the slighest amount of lightihng. The celings was high and decorated with inbuilt white lighting. The elevator opened and I went in.

I pressed his floor thinking about how long it's going to take me to get up there. I rest agaist the back of the elevator and I look up at the mirror ceiling. This was all so strange and diffrenet from what I'm used to. I mean my day usually included school, studying and filming.

Now I'm having to think about the fact that I may have a baby with a guy I barely know. Maybe I won't have the baby. I gazed at myself in the mirror. What is happening to my life right now? I sighed and I placed my hand over my belly. Fuck me.

I waited as the elevator reached his floor and the doors opened. I walked out and a woman was sitting at a desk on her computer typing away. She lifts her eyes away from her screen and she looked at me.

"He's in his office, it's the door to the right down the hallway," she spoke.

I smiled and thanked her before following her directions. I knocked on the door that was supposed to be his office. I heard a come in and I opened the door, walking into his office. Wow, his office was large and spacious. His desk was close to the windows, that was just clear glass behind him. There was someone sat at the desk, which I assume was his lawyer.

He pushes his seat back and seeing him in a business attire made him even more attractive. He was wearing a plain long sleeve white shirt, with a black tie. His hair was gelled back in a perfect neat wave. He wore a silver watch on his wrist and the same black beaded bracelet from the other day.

"Hello, Ms Madeline. I'm Harry, I'm Christopher's lawyer. Are you aware of my attendance?"

"Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you."

"Good, shall we get straight to it then?"


I sat down in one of the chairs , placing my bag in front of me. The chair was unexpectedly soft which had me sinking in it for a second. I sat up a little bit a second later, so I could seem more professional and serious. I crossed my leg over and I looked at his lawyer as he pulled out a file.

"Okay, so the terms of this contract does protect the both of you if anything happens. Christopher has decided that if anything where to happen, he would still want something in place. The first part of the terms would be we will need a DNA test to confirm the baby is his, if the baby is his then that would go into the fact. Christopher will provide financial and emotional support to you and the baby. This will cover all medical expenses, childcare and preparations for the baby."

I nodded my head as I listened. I glanced over to him and he was staring at me as well. A flash of uncertainty crosses over his face and I look back to his lawyer.

"If the baby is not Christopher's he has no legal obligations or responsibilities to you and your child. Whatever you decide to do with the child, is your decision. He will not be liable for any financial or emotional support."

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