Chapter Eight

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The elevator doors closed and the door reflected our bodies. I looked down at her taking in her features more and her body language. She seemed nervous, there could be two things on why she needs to speak to me.

I could at least clear some of her nerves or awkwardness away. She glanced up at me, then she looked away.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good you?"

"Alright," I respond.

She slightly nods her head and she looks up at the floors we have left. She randomly shows up after weeks, I can only assume she might have infection and could have given it to me. Although I would have noticed and I do make sure I get checked.

"I liked the night we had, but you never left your number," I mention.

She looked at me and she furrowed her brows with a confused expression. The elevator stopped and the door opened. I motioned for her to go first.

"I did, but you never called me so..."

We walked out of the elevator and I looked down at her ass. She was leggings, so her ass moved with her walk. I looked back up at her head, I never called her? She neve-... Lauren came.

She must have thrown it away if she did. I should have thought Lauren would do something like that.

"Then again it was a once night stand, I didn't expect you to call me," she added, shrugging.

She stopped just near the kitchen and turned around. She held her purse in her hands, but she nervously twisted and swings it against her legs.

"Would you have wanted me to call you?" I ask.

She slightly chewed on her lip and it made me smirk. She did want me to call her, was this her attempt of trying to talk to me? This is the first time any of the woman I have wanted to sleep with, just show up again. 

"I will take a yes."

"It doesn't matter...again it was a one night stand," she shrugged.

I reached out for her arm and turned her around. She looked down at my hand and she shrugged me off. I released her, I needed to give her an excuse and I don't think I can say. My wife threw it away.

"Would you have wanted me to call you?"

"Ugh...yes, feel better?"

She walked towards the kitchen and she placed her purse on the counter. She crossed her arms, but she still had the look of unease and she was chewing her lip.

"I would have called you, if I had seen it. I enjoyed our night together."

"But you didn't, but I did enjoy our night together as well," she nodded.

I took off my blazer and I put it down on one of the island chair. I moved around the counter and undid the cuffs to my shirt, while peering at her taking in her features and body.

"My maid she probably threw it away as I do have a lot of guests over and didn't think I would have any use of it," I lied.


"I do apologize, so what did you want to discuss that you waited hours for me?"

She pressed her lips together and she signed. It was a long and heavy sigh. Now this was making me concerned.

"I- well... it's just..."

I would give her time to speak. I went to the cupboard and I pulled out two glasses. We could use a drink after all she has been waiting for so long.

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