Chapter Thirteen

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"Baddie, Baddie, shot o'clock," We sang.

She got us both shots, mine was with water obviously while hers was a vodka shot. We tapped our glasses against each other and we took our shot. The water went down my throat and I wish it was just that tingle of vodka burn instead.

I put my shot glass down and she cheered. Dion was watching her as he was drinking his own drink, instead of shots. Dion decided he would come along. I didn't even mind, because I don't know if I could have dealt with Gis on my own.

"Come dance with meee," she says.

"I'm coming."

I scooted off my seat as I gave my purse to Dion and he cursed me. He already had to sit down and be invisible, now he was our bag watcher. Dion and Giselle's in ways gave goals to me. They both understood each other's wants and needs.

Dion wasn't the jealous type either, he was relaxed and understanding. He would allow Giselle to do what she wanted and if he did have a problem he spoke up, but in a respectful way. He never raised her voice at her in an argument or anything.

That's the only reason why he knows all my shit as well, because he's a chill guy. Dion is lucky he as Giselle as well, they both were. They were perfect for each other. When am I finna find my one!?

Giselle pulls me to the dance floor as we both danced together and we stayed together as well. When guys did try dance with us, she would simply push them away from us. I was having fun just the two of us not having to deal with any extra person.

We both laughed as she was talking about getting more drinks and how D's sad ass was getting flirted on, but he was just watching us. I suggested we should just get him another drink and we should go sit with him.

"Mhmmm you wanna see Johnathon don't ya," she teased.

"Nooo, just a little, but come on."

I pulled her over to the bar as we had to push through a few people, but I saw two spots for us to sit as. Lucky for us, he was cleaning that spot as well. We both sat down and he looked at me first.

"Hey, I thought you would stop coming since you know," he said.

"I can still party and be pregnant," I said.

"Bartender.. umm what's your name?" Giselle asked, sneakily.

"Johnathon," he responds.

"Yeahh, lemme get a Strawberry Daiquiri and a.. what do you want Mads? Sprite?"

"I'll take a sprite," I nodded.

"Okay, yeah, so a Strawberry Daiquiri and Sprite," she said, smiling.

She waved her finger around a little and she spoke funnily as the liquor was hitting her. It made me laugh, because I knew what she was doing even while tipsy.

"Coming right up ladies."

She held onto my arm as she gave a devilish giggle. She squeezed my arm a little and she poked my side. I swatted her away, because yes he was cute and all. He was still in earshot and I didn't wanna say too much.

"He really was surprised to see you, a bit happy as well," she says.

"Shut up," I grit.

"Gurll bye, you know damn well. He cute to."

"He is, but let's keep it natural."

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