Wanda came over and picked Ana up.

"Noooo you're gonna ruin my dress!" Ana cried.

"I won't!" Wanda laughed.


I let Wanda take care of Ana, explaining what she would do, whilst I went over to Yelena.

"You ready?" she asked me.

I nodded slowly.

"It's probably a lot," Yelena said. "But you'll do great."

"Thanks," I thanked her, wrapping my arms around my bridesmaid sister in a hug.

Both Yelena and Wanda were bridesmaids, along with Pepper. All their dresses were the same colour - pale blue. I knew that Tony was stepping in to be the best man, as Clint had reluctantly turned it down because his family were coming to the wedding.


I stepped into the aisle and saw Steve at the front in a smart suit. Yelena and Wanda were on either side of me, with Pepper just behind making sure Anastasia was doing what she was supposed to be. My emerald eyes met Steve's baby blue as I walked up the aisle. When we reached the front, my bridesmaids and flower girl moved to the side to let me and my about-to-be husband have the whole stage. The registrar began to speak first.

"Natasha and Steve have been long awaiting marriage. From their first day meeting each other aboard a helicarrier, to the many battles they have faced together, they have finally been united."

Me and Steve were facing each other now. I wanted to kiss him already - I was desperate to kiss him - but I knew I had to wait. I could hear a few people shuffling as they tried to get a better view, and Pepper shushing my daughter who had tried to talk.

"Steve Rogers, do you take Natasha Romanoff to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the registrar asked.

"I do."

"Natasha Romanoff, do you take Steve Rogers to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Nodding, I replied, "I do."

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife!" the registrar finished. "You may now kiss the bride!"

Steve leaned forward and we kissed passionately, his hands gently on my waist and mine on his shoulders. The clapping and cheering was almost blocked out by my racing thoughts and the intense love for my boyfriend. No, my husband. He's my husband now. It felt oddly surreal. Steve Rogers. Husband. Natasha Romanoff, me, a wife? I never could've imagined this.

When we pulled apart, it was time for the other speeches. Of course, Tony had prepared a speech. The registrar left and Tony came over. Everyone fell silent as Tony began to speak.

"The first time I saw these two together, I thought, 'there's no way in hell'. A S.H.I.E.L.D agent and a super soldier? But I've been proved wrong on multiple occasions. From when Nat found out about Anastasia, to just yesterday, their love was present and strong. And I don't believe that will ever fade. They can argue as much as they want, but deep down their love is real."

I felt my face go slightly red as Tony spoke. Thank god I was wearing makeup. There was a polite clapping as Tony went to sit down. Now it was Yelena's turn. Yelena being Yelena tripped over her own two feet as she came up to the front. I hid a smirk. My sister honestly had no decorum - not even at a wedding.

"Sorry about that," she mumbled, before beginning her speech, reading what she had written. "When I think about marriage, I think-"

She blinked a few times, then muttered, "Fuck this," and threw the card on the ground.

"My sister has always been a bit of a loner, let's be honest. She's never really needed anybody, let alone need a husband. But when I laid eyes on Steve and Natasha in the same room, I thought 'they really do have good chemistry!'. Turns out I was right, and here we are, watching them get binded by legal documents. Even if they weren't married, it wouldn't change anything. They'd still love each other and be united by their practical thinking and, of course, their daughter," Yelena said.

She glanced back at me with a small smile.

"I couldn't ask for a better sister. Not even Kate Bishop."

There were some laughs at this, and I noticed a slightly red-faced Kate in the crowd.

"Sooo yeah. I don't know what else to say other than that Steve had better look after my sister."

There was clapping after she spoke and she went back to stand beside Wanda.


"Mama, when are you coming back?" Ana asked me as I held her in my arms and she gently played with my red curls.

"Two weeks from now," I replied with a chuckle.

"Where you go?"

"The tropical islands of Tahiti," my husband said, appearing behind me.

"Daddy, why are you stealing mama?" Ana asked, her eyes wide. "I thought you kissed?"

We both laughed at this.

"I'm not stealing her," Steve replied. "I'm taking her on a honeymoon."




"No, sweetie, repeat after me," I laughed. "Hon-"






"Now all together?"

"Hoyenmun!" Ana cried, getting it completely wrong again.

"Close enough little one," Steve chuckled, kissing her gently.

"I love you both," Anastasia stated. "I want you be happyyyy."

"We are happy," I told her, keeping back tears of joy. "We are very happy."


Ana flapped her small arms around a little, emphasising her response.

I can't believe what had just happened happened. I had a family. I had a sister, a daughter, a best friend, and now a husband.

I couldn't wish for anything more.

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