Act 2, Scene 4

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[Out in the city]

Benvolio (Jake): It’s been, like, twelve hours since we’ve last seen Romeo. He didn’t even go home. Where is he?

Mercutio (Minho): I bet he’s crying over a new girl now. What was her name? Juliet, right?

Benvolio (Jake): Yeah, yeah. And you know what? That mofo Tybalt has sent him a letter for a brawl.

Mercutio (Minho): A letter? A letter! What age is that man living in?

Benvolio (Jake): He’s half mad anyway.

Mercutio (Minho): He’s got a great skill in maneuvering his sword. He’s good at fighting. But he’s stupid. Bro only knows how to fight. He’s like that red Angry Bird, except he’s not cute either.

Benvolio (Jake): (claps) For real, bro, for real.

[Enter Romeo]

Romeo (Hyunjin): Hi guys-

Benvolio (Jake): Where have you been!

Romeo (Hyunjin): Whoa whoa, calm thy tiddies, man.

Mercutio (Minho): Benvolio is flat as heck.

Benvolio (Jake): Um, ouch.

Romeo (Hyunjin): Stop with this dumb talk. I’m in love, like actually in love this time.

Mercutio (Minho): Said Romeo for the millionth time this year.

Romeo (Hyunjin): No, dude! I love her with all my heart!

Mercutio (Minho): Argued Romeo for the millionth time this year.

Romeo (Hyunjin): Mercutio, I wil revolt.

Benvolio (Jake): If you wanna do that, then fight Tybalt. He’s sent a letter to you, inviting you to a fight.

Mercutio (Minho): Dude is obsessed with fighting us. He’s really got no other job to do.

[Enter The Nurse]

The Nurse (Chan): Which one of you brats is Romeo?

Benvolio (Jake): Are you Juliet?

The Nurse (Chan): Do I look like…?

Romeo (Hyunjin): I’m Romeo.

The Nurse (Chan): Alright, young man. I need to talk to you privately.

Mercutio (Minho): (suggestively smirking) Privately? Mhm.

Romeo (Hyunjin): What are you on about, Mercutio?

Mercutio (Minho): The old lady’s charmed by you, hahaha!

The Nurse (Chan): Piss off, kids.

Benvolio (Jake): (dragging Mercutio away) We better get going for dinner.

[Exit Benvolio and Mercutio]

The Nurse (Chan): Aight, so you, young man. You better not betray my child. I’m not her mum but I’ve literally brought her up. If you break her heart, I will make sure you never see the light of day ever again.

Romeo (Hyunjin): Of course not! I truly love Juliet!

The Nurse (Chan): So what’s the deal?

Romeo (Hyunjin): Could you ask her to be there at Friar Lawrence’s this afternoon? We will marry there itself.

The Nurse (Chan): (shrieks) Guys? You’re not even legal yet!

Romeo (Hyunjin): Love is blind.

The Nurse (Chan): But love is legal at least!

Romeo (Hyunjin): Chill out, I ain’t asking to marry you, oldie.

The Nurse (Chan): (sighs) This is why I don’t have kids of my own.

Romeo (Hyunjin): Didn’t Juliet tell you anything about me?

The Nurse (Chan): That kid? She asked me to make you a ladder of cloth to help you up into her room for your wedding night!

Romeo (Hyunjin): Aww!

The Nurse (Chan): Since I don’t have a say in this, I guess I’ll have to prepare the ladder. Christ, this sucks.

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