Act 2, Scene 3

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Narrator (Ava):
Early morning, at the very crack of dawn,
Friar Lawrence walked in, holding a basket,
Filled with herbs or just weed, no one has ever known,
And nor would Friar ever admit.

[Enter Romeo]

Friar Lawrence (Jay): The bloodshot eyes! Where has’t thou been?

Romeo (Hyunjin): Nowhere-

Friar Lawrence (Jay): (gasps) Don’t tell me; thou sinned with thy lady love, Rosaline!

Romeo (Hyunjin): (rolls eyes) First of all, drop the Archaic English terms already. I haven’t slept all night. And second, I did not sleep with whatever her name was.

Friar Lawrence (Jay): Oh, no! You’ve forgotten her name! Did you consume some of my weed?

Romeo (Hyunjin): …some of your what?

Friar Lawrence (Jay): (laughs nervously) Drop that, child. Why didn’t you sleep the entire night?

Romeo (Hyunjin): (sighs dreamily)
Father, I have fallen in love;
The truest one to ever have tickled my heart,
As if God made her just for me up above,
I feel so giddy that I cannot even fart.

Friar Lawrence (Jay): Okay, TMI.

Romeo (Hyunjin): Anyways, I came here to ask you to marry me and Juliet.

Friar Lawrence (Jay): You and who!

Romeo (Hyunjin): Juliet Capulet.

Friar Lawrence (Jay): Are you fucking kidding me right now? Do you not know about the feud between your families? The idiots Tybalt and Mercutio at each other’s necks? And, oh God, your ages?

Romeo (Hyunjin): Father, love is blind.

Friar Lawrence (Jay): Uh-huh? And that’s your only excuse?

Romeo (Hyunjin): (makes puppy eyes) Please?

Friar Lawrence (Jay): (sighs) Alright, alright. Don’t make me cringe. I’ll marry y’all.

[Exit Romeo]

Friar Lawrence (Jay): Kids these days.

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