Act 1, Scene 1

434 32 79

Narrator (Ava):
In the streets of Verona, one fine morning,
Uttering nothing but bawdy banters;
Although the Capulet servants begun the story with a divine calling,
They were dumb, but thought were gangsters.
Sampson and Gregory were the names,
Poking fun at the Montague fam;
They saw the enemies to be game,
And henceforth, insulted them - damn!

[Abraham, a Montague servant, fights Sampson and Gregory]
[Enter Benvolio]

Benvolio (Jake): Ayo morons, stop fighting!

[Sampson and Gregory continue to fight Abraham, and Benvolio draws his sword]
[Enter Tybalt]

Tybalt (Changbin): Whoa whoa, a brawl without me? Benvolio, you Montague doggo, fight me instead! (draws sword)

Benvolio (Jake): (nervously laughing) Hahahaha...haha... bro, let's not fight.

Narrator (Ava):
Benvolio, the mighty, emerged from the fog
Yet, instead of a brawl, he took a step back;
Bro had sense, he was a real one, dawg!
But Tybalt, the idiot; he only knew how to attack.

[Benvolio and Tybalt fight]
[Enter The Lord and Lady Montague and Capulet, Prince Escalus]

Prince Escalus:
You dumb fucks, stop the the fight this minute!
How dare thou showcase this brawl?
You disturbed the peace to such a limit
That I got a new rule for y'all!
If anyone dares to disrupt the peace,
I'll slaughter his head off in a moment;
So fly the fuck away to Greece
If you wish to continue the stupid torment!

[Exit Prince, Sampson, Gregory, Abraham, Tybalt, and The Lord and Lady Capulet]

Mommy Montague: Benvolio, have you seen Romeo around?

Benvolio (Jake): Naww, I bet he's still crying over Rosaline like a pussy.

Mommy Montague: I wonder how on earth I gave birth to such a sussy baka. Anyways, get him home ASAP.

[Exit The Lord and Lady Montague]

Narrator (Ava):
So Benvolio climbed the hill of doom,
Where Romeo sat, all alone,
Because Rosaline and him couldn't get a room,
So he wished to be reborn as a stone.

Benvolio (Jake): Bro, the fuck is up with you these days? Come home, Mommy Montague is worried sick!

Romeo (Hyunjin): Rosaline rejected me! (cries)

Benvolio (Jake): Really? Just find another girl.

Romeo (Hyunjin): (groans) If not Rosaline, then no one else!

Benvolio (Jake): Dude, touch some grass and get over her.

Romeo (Hyunjin): Nope, I think not.

Benvolio (Jake): Uh-huh? Challenge accepted.

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