Chapter 32: Family over fun

Start from the beginning

"I am so so so sorry Señor Lo siento Mucho I was just-" She stopped

"No, no it's okay Dona Elena I understand you were just looking out for him". Andres smiled

"Really?" She asked

"Si". He nodded

"I feel like I should repay for all you've done for Miguel ". Elena said

"No Please don't helping and mentoring is all I need besides he is very quick ". Andres comments

Miguel smiled at Andres and he smiled back.

"That's true". Elena smiled

"Well please do let me know if there's anything you need please let me know". Elena offers

"I will and I can come prepared ". Andres winked

"Si, Señor I promise it won't happen Again ". Elena promises

"Okay do you want to say your goodbyes before I teleport you back". Layla smiled

"Adios it was nice to meet you all". Andres waved

"You too Señor ". Julio smiled

Before he left he went straight to Mirabel and smiled.

"If he causes you any trouble Mija let me know ". Andres called

"I will". She smiled

"Ay no she won't and you know she won't ". Miguel stomped his foot

"Just checking Mijo". Andres winked

"Adios". He waved one last time

Both families waved back at the man and then just like that he was transported back.

"Well That was very well done Miss Elena I bet that was very hard but your making changes and I like it". Layla smiled

"Gracias ". She thanked

"We are proud of you Mija ". Coco smiled

"When are we going to hear Miguel play?" Manny asked

"Si I want to hear". Benny joins in

"Soon my loves soon". Layla chuckled

The twins and Socorro pouted as they didn't have the patience to wait that long.

It then showed Elena flipping her chancla back on her foot and then she rushed over to Miguel and grabbed in a suffocating hug.

Abuelita Elena : "Ay probrecito Estas bien Mijo ".

She then pressed kisses and pulled him out of the hug.

"You're suffocating the poor boy Mija ". Julio said

"Estas bien Papá Julio it's kind of comforting actually ". Miguel reassures

"It kind of reminds me of Lu's hugs strong and crushing but loving ". Mirabel replies

"Aww Hermanita I love you to". Luisa cooed

"Nothing like a good hug". Socorro smiled

"You're right there Chiquita ". Miguel chuckled

Abuelita Elena : " You are coming home now".

Elena then walks away with Berto and Rosa, With Rosa giving a smug smile on her face proud that her cousin got in trouble Elena still with annoyance and disappointment in her steps. Miguel then picks off the flyer from a notice board and shoves it in his bag and then runs to catch up with his family.

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