chapter 6

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Short chapter.

Alastor pov:

God, what a day?

I had to spend the entire day tending to the short king, mostly trying to stop him from freaking out over our night. But eventually I was able to return home.

I sat down in my radio tower, letting out a sigh "what an interesting night" I said softly, placing my cane down and relaxing.

It's been rather exhausting. Spending so much time with him, then sleeping with him? That wasn't the plan but its certainly convenient.

What? You hadn't actually thought I'd grown a heart for him had you? Hah!

He's far from my type, a moron with crushed dreams and a job far out of his league.

Yes I have enjoyed my time with him, he knows a lot about hell and it's always fun to gossip, but I didn't like him enough for feelings to catch, and I doubt I ever will.

In any other situation the moment his lips met mine I would have tossed him out the window... But this is no ordinary situation.

This is the king of hell, and well that can have it's perks.

Just imagine, if I keep this up for a while longer, help him realize he's clearly not straight, even I knew that the moment I sew him?

But soon I'll have him wrapped around my finger, and all of hell with him~

Imagine the power I would have, being able to have the king of hell, the second most powerful being in the world in my grasp, having control over him. I could do just about anything.

And not to mention how utterly hilarious this is? I mean seriously, this guy is the king of hell? How can he be so... Pathetic?

I mean I literally had him as a melted mess last night, he was so nervous, so scared, so vulnerable. I had him on a leash.

That's the only part I really enjoy honestly.

I've found I don't really enjoy sex the way most others would? I don't really get aroused, I can feel pleasure but not intensely and I'm not all that bothered by it?

It's kinda like scratching my ear, sure it feels nice but I'm not really obsessed with it, and I can do fine without it.

The real fun is seeing the other person crumble and fall apart in your grasp, having power over them. It's invigorating~

And the fact it's the king of hell only intensifies that feeling. So I do enjoy sex, just not in the most conventional way I suppose?

And the fact he's Charlie's father, which adds another layer of comedy to the situation. Honestly I would have told her already simply to see that look on her face, but I have to wait till I'm sure Lucifer is wrapped tightly around my finger.

I can't risk him ditching me for his daughters sake, so I'll give it time.

But oh what a show it'll be once she finds out, hmm I love a good bit of entertainment.

But now I have to be patient, and slowly build up the relationship. Soon enough everything will fall into place, and I'll have hell in my grasp.


Hope you enjoyed pickles! I promise the next ones a smut, just needed to do this little one for plot.

Edit: wanna add, this isn't permanent. This is gonna be one of those, alastor eventually falls in love with him while trying to manipulate, sort of thing.

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