chapter 4 (smut)

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Third person pov:

The two quickly appeared in the king's bedroom, a large room... Where all the ducks had been placed.

They were scattered around the floor near the door mostly. But luckily none took up any space on the bed.

Lucifer fell back and was quickly laying on the large bed, sinking into the quilt slightly as he looked up dazed.

Alastor hovered over him, grinning down at him and slowly approaching. "Well? How would you like to do this" alastor asked, gently placing his cane down against the bed side table and raising a hand to take his tie off.

Lucifer was bright red, looking at him flustered and beginning to stutter.

"W-well I-i dont- I uhhhhh- I just-" he mumbled, sitting up in the bed.

Alastor watched amused, slowly taking his coat off. He kneeled on the bed and slowly approached Lucifer, who was now sitting up against the bed bored.

He was looking around nervously, trying to avoid the other's eyes as he stuttered, not able to pull a full sentence together.

Alastor kneeled between the much shorter man's legs, looking down at him smugly.

He rested a hand on the others knee, swiftly shutting him up as he looked down at the hand "my king, would you like me to continue or not?" Alastor asked bluntly, getting a bit bored of this.

Lucifer hesitated, thinking hard on the question... Was he ready to do this? It was his first time-

He looked up and finally met eyes with alastor. He seemed to relax ever so slightly... "*Sigh* y-yes... You can continue" he mumbled.

Alastor smiled happily "splendid. Now just relax, I'll take care of the rest" he said, moving his hand lower down his leg.

Lucifer tried to stay calm, his body still a bit stiff. He was anxious, but I suppose the alcohol was helping him push through and continue.

Alastor began gently undressing the king, starting with his shoes, delicately slipping them off and placing them off the bed.

Lucifer watched, flustered as alastor grinned at him with that creepy smile... That  almost seemed seductive in a moment like this.

Once he was done with his shoes alastor leaned up, moving up to his face and grinning down at him.

Lucifer stared back at him, face bright red still as he waited to see what he might do next.

"Hm... If you wouldn't mind, I could go for another taste~" alastor cooed softly, gently resting a hand on his slim waist and leaning in slowly.

Lucifer gulped nervously, but slowly leaned in as well, not daring to utter a word.

Gently their mouths met and the two began to share a gentle kiss, this time far more passionate than the last.

Alastor was the main one taking action, while sweet Lucifer simply tried his best.

But with alastor actually contributing this time, it was a far deeper kiss than the last.

Alastor held his waist, mouth pressed firmly on the others as he parted their lips.

Lucifer's mouth shyly opened, allowing the others long slick tongue to swiftly slip in, beginning to explore the others mouth happily.

Lucifer whined, quickly getting an odd taste from the other, sort of bitter, kind of old tasting?? But he also got a hint of tea in the mix.

As for alastor, he got to enjoy a much more enjoyable, angelic taste. Lucifer spit golden, moving in Alastors mouth with a delightful taste.

Their tongues swirled and danced together, Alastors far more active than the king's.

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