chapter 1

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Third person pov:

Alastor grumbled, walking down the halls of the knew hotel and trying to escape the loud noise.

It was shortly after they opened the new hotel and everyone was partying and celebrating downstairs, which was rather irritating for the radio demon.

He wasn't very interested in parties, as you can imagine, and the loud noise hurts his sensitive ears.

So alastor decided to go enjoy his new radio tower, enjoy some tea and relax for a while after the tough fight.

But upon appearing in his new tower, he quickly realized he had a visitor.

He gripped his cane, narrowing his eyebrows annoyed and quickly vanishing again.

He reappeared on the roof of the tower "what... Are you doing" he asked.

The man in front of him let out a yelp, jlimg back a little and quickly looking up at alastor startled "you scared me!" The short male asked.

Alastor raised an eyebrow, looking at the one and only king of hell, Lucifer.

"Apologies sir king of hell. But what are you doing ontop of my radio shack?" He asked firmly.

Lucifer rolled his eyes "oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sit on you oh so important shak!" He said mockingly

Alastor growled slightly but before he could demand the king to leave Lucifer continued "just wanted some fresh air... Parties aren't really my thing" he said.

Alastor paused a moment, glancing down at the king "oh? I thought a man of your stator would be more enthusiastic about big events?" He asked.

Lucifer grumbled a little "I umm... Don't socialize much? I kinda prefer to be on my own. So no, I don't like parties" he answered.

Alastor found this mildly amusing? The great king wasn't fond of parties, how odd.

"What about you? Deer boy doesn't want to hurt his fluffy ears?" He asked teasingly.

Alastor hesitated, trying to think of a reply but a bit thrown off by the... Accurate assumption.

And that small hesitation was enough for Lucifer to realize his comment was correct "wait- hahaha, no way!" He said laughing.

Alastor snarled at him "oh relax, no need to get all worked up" he added, looking back out at the view of the hellish city.

Alastor paused for a moment, not really knowing how to approach this situation. He had the king of hell on his roof, he wanted him off his roof, but it proved more difficul.

"... I ask you something?" Lucifer then said.

Alastor glanced to him "why are you doing all this? Helping Charlie I mean" he asked, seeming a bit confused by the radio demons actions.

Alastor paused for a moment "hmm, why not? Charlie is quit the young lady, I find her dreams rather amusing. And this little hotel is quite interesting" he answered.

Lucifer glared at him "so do you believe in it?" He asked. He was met with laughter "oh God no! The whole idea is absurd. But I'm up for the ride" he said, his classic grin still plastered to his face.

Lucifer rolled his eyes "of course, don't know why I expected anything else" he said.

Alastor chuckled "and you?" He asked.

Lucifer hesitated "... It worries me... Heaven isn't the most kind place" he said.

Alaster simply chuckled "yes, I suppose you would have more experience with that then anyone?" He said.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, annoyed by the comment.

Alastor paused again, less annoyed then he was moments ago.

He was a bit more interested, now willing to tolerate the small kings presence. "Hmm, I have an offer" alastor said.

Lucifer glared at him "why don't we head down into my radio tower, and we talk a little more about this over a cup of tea?" He asked.

Lucifer quickly looked up, a bit confused by the offer. The Lord hesitated for a few moments, looking at Alastors creepy smile.

"... Eh why not, tho can I get coffee instead?" He asked. Alastor narrowed his eyes.


And they both quickly vanished.


Hope you enjoyed pickles! Idk, didn't really know how to start this but here you go.

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