chapter 19

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Third person pov:

"*Knock knock* Charlie? Can I come in?" Lucifer asked nervously.

He was standing outside her bedroom, now at the hotel. It's been about an hour now and he finally calmed down enough to talk to her about it.

Everyone in the hotel informed him that Charlie had rushed to her bedroom apon returning and hadn't come out since.

"... Yeah" Charlie mumbled from the other side.

Lucifer sighed, putting his hand on the handle and slowly stepping inside.

"... You doing ok applehead?" He asked awkwardly, seeing a balled up pile of blankets on the bed.

There was a mumbled, before the pile shifted and slowly Charlie sat up with her head poking out.

".......... You and alastor... ?" She mumbled, Still seeming disturbed.

Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "I-i... Yeah... Me and him uhh, started... Seeing each other a few months ago.." he mumbled out.

Charlie had an odd expression, like she was more confused then anything. She didn't quite know how to feel. She thought her dad dating someone would be fine... but alastor?

"Why? Why him? And why didn't you tell me!" Charlie asked concerned.

Lucifer frowned, the guilt creeping in. "Charlie I'm sorry. I really am I just... I don't know, I wanted to figure stuff out first. It was all so... Weird. I didn't really know what was going on and I wanted to be sure of everything before telling you" Lucifer explained.

Charlie looked up at him, still seeming upset "figure out what? What was so confusing you hid it from me for months, and with alastor! He's my employee dad, don't you get how uncomfortable that is!" She yelled.

Lucifer gripped his knees, the guilt eating away at him.

"Charlie... I-its just... *Sigh* Charlie I've only been with the same women for centuries now, and suddenly she left without a word. I tried to hide it but... I was so lost. I didn't know what to do with myself. Then this thing with alastor started happening and I was even more lost. It was all so... Different. But I was happy, and I didn't feel alone anymore... So I kept seeing him, I new it was wrong and I felt so bad keeping it from you... But I couldn't take being alone anymore" Lucifer said, small tears pricking his eyes but not falling.

Charlie seemed shocked, staring at him with surprised eyes.

He didn't look up, staring at his knees shamefully. He felt terrible. Like he should have known better.

"... I'll stop seeing him. Im sorry Charlie I really am. I'll tell him it's over and try and find a way to make it up to you" he said, looking up with a weak smile.

He couldn't begin to describe how much those words crushed him. How horrible the idea of leaving alastor was... But what else could he do?

Charlie was even more stunned, staring at him with that weak smile, but able to see the pain behind it.

Lucifer took a deep breathe, and stood up. "I'll leave you be. Ik sorry Charlie..." He mumbled beginning to try walk away, but before he could Charlie grabbed his wrist.

He looked back at her surprised, seeing a weird look on her face. "Dad... Don't leave alastor" she said worried.

Lucifer stared at her confused. She pulled the blanket off herself, looking at Lucifer with a soft gaze and patted the spot beside her.

He slowly sat back down, still seeming confused and waited patiently for her to speak.

"I... I'll admit this is weird, and a bit uncomfortable but... If alastor really makes you happy then I want you to stay with him.  I want you to be happy dad" she said with a warm smile.

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