Chapter XVII (17): Past Echoes (II)

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The path Rex chose to follow led deeper into the jungle, where the aftermath of the fire was more evident. Among the charred remains, some trees shown signs of being forcibly torn apart, as if by a large force charging through.

As he ventured on, Rex's vision began to blur, making it difficult for him to focus. The energy expenditure took its' toll, apparent in the lack of the usual mesmerizing glow from Mind's Eye--when he raised his hand to inspect it.

His breaths grew heavy, each one a struggle, while waves of exhaustion washed over him. Despite his efforts to keep moving forward, his eyes threatened to close with every blink.

Finally, he stumbled and fell to the ground, his descent hindered by an unseen root protruding from the earth. After wiping the dirt from his face, his gaze immediately goes back up, the alluring energy source still present in his vision, which in turn ushered his will to return, standing back up.

With the sun setting, the stillness of the surroundings took on an eerie quality, enough to drive anyone to be spooked, but Rex paid it little mind as he pressed onward. However, the fading light posed a new challenge.

Coming to his rescue once again, the ring finally began to shimmer and glow, though much dimmer than usual. Surprisingly, it remained silent, far from its usual habit of conveying messages to Rex.

Nevertheless, the feeble light from the ring served as a beacon, akin to a flashlight guiding his way through the encroaching darkness.

His steps grew heavier with each passing moment. The remnants of the fire cast eerie shadows, and the air was heavy with the scent of burnt wood.


After what seemed like an eternity of wandering, Rex's eyes caught a glimmer of a fabric snagged on a nearby branch. Drawing closer, the red scarf emitted the same energy Rex had been pursuing.

When his hand brushed against it, a strange sensation washed over him, as if faint voices were whispering from within. Before he could decipher the words, the scarf suddenly stirred, one end lifting as if animated, Rex was clearly taken aback.

A woman's voice echoed in Rex's conscience, filled with both joy and desperation. "...YES! Finally, someone's here! Now please, pick me up. come on, please, pick me up now...!" Her urgency was palpable, Was enough to tilt his head in confusion.

"Why is he just staring? Come on, boy, pick me up!" The voice persisted, urging Rex to take the scarf. However, it seemed she was speaking to herself, unaware of Rex's ability to listen in. Curious, Rex decided to experiment, starting by sitting down on the ground.

Rex sat down, watching the scarf intently as if expecting it to respond. The woman's voice grew more frantic. "No, no, no! Don't just sit there, pick me up! I need to be worn! How in the world do you control this thing?!"

He hesitated, unsure of how to respond to this strange situation. But then, with a firmness he didn't know he possessed, he uttered a single word "No." Intent on humouring the woman, but the silence that followed was heavy, as if the air itself held its breath.

But instead of relief, the woman's voice returned, tinged with incredulity.


"Did... he just... respond..." Her echoes started speaking slowly.

"...with a no?!" she exclaimed, her disbelief bordering on the absurd. It wasn't the reaction Rex wanted, but at least he had made his voice heard.

Taking a deep breath, the woman composed herself, her tone shifting to one of resignation. "Well, boy, now that I know you can hear me, would you kindly pick-" she began, only to be cut off by Rex's next question, delivered with surprising promptness, "Why?"

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