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"Why would you do that?" Vivian demanded.

Tom furrowed his brows. "Sorry?"

He'd seen her holding her head and heard her groan in pain. He knew what had happened to her but had nothing to do with it. He wondered why someone tried to invade her mind, but wondered even more why she thought he did it.

She glared and ignored the stares of the five boys sitting with him. "Why would you do that? You have no reason for it! Do not ever do that again, do you hear me?"

Her shouting earned the attention of many students, along with some professors. Dippet sighed, hoping he wouldn't have to leave his steak to stop a fight.

George followed the girl and tried to take her arm. "Let's go, Viv."

She wouldn't let him. Her furious eyes remained on Tom.

"What are you talking about?" Riddle asked, making her feel stupid.

"You know what! Is how you treated me earlier not enough? Now you have to force yourself into my mind?"

The boy was dumbfounded, truly, but the girl didn't believe his puzzled expression was real.

Before he could say anything to retort, Vivian turned and walked away.

George went with her, but not before glancing at Tom with suspicion.

Riddle watched the two, along with Mika and Jane, leave the Great Hall. He saw Gabriel, now alone, move to sit with Margot at the Gryffindor table.

A few people still watched Tom with intrigue, wanting to know what had happened. Dippet was relieved and spooned gravy onto his steak.

It took much strength for the boy to keep his expression from morphing into an angry one. He did nothing wrong, and now people were going to be buzzing about the scene.

Jiho Sol, who sat across from him, opened his mouth.

Riddle cut him off before he could speak. "I have no idea what she was on about."

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"I don't think it was him, Vivian. Why would he do it? Didn't you say you knew each other as children?"

The girl frowned, detesting the bad feeling that crept into her gut. She stared at Mika and began to think that she was right.

"Besides," Sakai continued, "It's very unlikely that he's a Legilimens. I've never heard of anyone below twenty-five being one, and even that's rare. So, it's almost unheard of for teenagers to be capable of it."

After refusing to visit the hospital wing, Vivian sat on a rug in the Ravenclaw common room as the fire warmed her back. Jane, George, and Mika sat next to her, having snuck Jane in.

Sloan and Sakai were shocked to learn that their friend was a Legilimens, but were concerned to find out that someone wanted access to her mind.

"And wasn't Tom happy to see you?" Rustad put in.

George looked at Vivian and raised a brow.

That One October {T.M.R}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang