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Vivian stuck her head out the carriage window, wanting to see what the signs on a creaky pole said.

One pointed in the direction of Hogwarts Castle, which was just a dark outline in the distance. The other pointed to another path, the opposite of where a massive, shadowy forest was. That one read "Hogsmeade". She wondered what that was.

Finally, the carriages rolled over the stone path and stopped before another one, which the students were to follow and take a short walk to the castle.

The building itself was so enormous that it hurt Vivian's neck to look straight up at its peak. Now that she was closer, the castle emitted soft, yellow lighting from its infinite windows.

It was astounding, yes, and much more beautiful and extensive than Durmstrang. There were countless doors, turrets, bridges, and gates. It was almost overwhelming, how much there was to see.

The grounds were, just like everything else about the place was, huge. Hills ran far into forests, mountains, and valleys, while trees and plants of all kinds occupied the grass. Despite the darkness of the night, it was clear and dry, showing off the vibrance of the stained windows and the detail of the statues.

Jane gasped and pointed to a small bunch of flowers as they walked by. "De hvisker til hverandre!"

("They're whispering to each other!")

Vivian glanced over and saw what she was talking about.

Five plants, each of a different color, swayed and bent as they spoke. They sounded like nothing she'd ever heard before: a low-pitched series of rings, a language only they could understand.

At last, all of the students stopped in front of tall, wooden doors. Vivian walked into a girl, being too distracted to realize they'd stopped. She apologized, and the girl gave her a nod.

With a loud, echoing creak, the doors opened and allowed the sea of students to enter.

As Vivian did so, her gaze fell upon the many wheels, gears, and bars that churned above the entryway. It was magic that worked them.

The corridors looked much like those of Durmstrang: high ceilings, tons of windows, marble floors, and decorative walls. However, the same couldn't be said for the Great Hall.

The girl's mouth fell agape. She couldn't believe the sight.

The ceiling was bewitched to appear like the night sky. It had stars that twinkled at her and purple swirls that were mesmerizing to watch. There was even blue and green light that flourished about, reminding her of Tromsø.

Four long tables were stationed in the room, each with flags hanging above them that were colored and depicting an animal.

For red, there was a roaring lion.

For blue, an eagle soared.

For yellow, a badger climbed a tree.

And for green, there was a snake that flicked its tongue.

Each student, except for the youngest of ones, wore robes in one of these colors. Every student went to the table that matched their robes.

Vivian and Jane glanced at each other, feeling rather tall amongst eleven-year-olds.

Once people were seated and the chatter had lessened, a stoic and serious-looking man stood on a platform at the end of the chamber.

He held his wand to his throat, magnifying his voice.

"Good evening." He greeted, "I am your Headmaster, Armando Dippet, and I am pleased to welcome you all here for another year at Hogwarts."

Applause erupted, echoing off the walls. Nobody seemed to notice or care that Dippet seemed very unwelcoming.

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now