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It was the year 1934, the mid-September air was crisp and fragrant with wet soil and rotting leaves. The clouds churned with ferocity as cold rain fell from them, dripping off the roof of the Korsmo's home.

Seven-year-old Vivian shuddered as the wind blew her hair from her face, causing her hood to fall.

She put it back up and glanced at the gutter, watching as water trickled from it and created puddles in the grass.

Pitter, patter. Pitter, patter.

The sound of it was comforting, a sort of noise that would soothe one to sleep. The rain seemed to be alive in that way, sharing its despair with anyone who welcomed it.

The girl had gone outside to search for her father but the large field her house stood by showed no sign of him. So, she turned to head for the pond.

All she had to do was walk through a bit of patchy woods and there it would be, along with a looming willow tree and her favorite chair.

She strolled happily, enjoying the way the wind felt in her lungs.

Her boots crunched on the colorful ground as she approached the pond, but her father had yet to be found.

Fog began to rise from the murky water, blanketing the trees around it and making them look eerie. The willow's elegant green drooped even more with the rain's weight, sighing at the beginning of autumn.

Suddenly, the outline of a man could be made out. He stood facing away from the child, not moving his eyes from the mountains in the distance.

"Pappa!" Vivian exclaimed, running over to him.

The man turned, his features being unfamiliar. He wore a hardened expression, but it changed slightly at the sight of Vivian.

Vivian backed up, feeling afraid. "Hvem er du?"

("Who are you?")

He remained silent as he carefully stepped forward. He almost seemed relieved, as if he had expected something unpleasant.

Yelling came from behind Vivian and she looked to see her mother sprinting, holding her wand tightly. It was strange to hear the woman speak in English.

"Get away from her!"

The unknown man instantly became angry and moved quickly to the child.

Vivian felt a hand grab her shoulder as she was lifted into the arms of the stranger.

She began to panic, thrashing in his grip.


The woman conjured a spell, but the girl didn't know what exactly it did.

"Don't you touch her!"

Vivian observed her father emerge from the trees on the opposite side of their home. So that was where he was!

He used wandless magic to create a series of bright lights, making the child squint her eyes as they hit the man that held her.

She fell to the ground, shrieking as she noticed his chest was cut and bleeding heavily.

"I will come back for you." He whispered, staring at her with wide eyes.

Crimson soaked his jacket as he got to his feet, staining the once-clean fabric.

Vivian watched the stranger as he took out his own wand, waved it twice and disappeared as if he were never there.

"Herregud!" Her mother cried, bringing her daughter into an embrace. "Går det bra med deg?"

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now