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Anders laced his boots and prepared to go search for his daughter, as she was nearly an hour late.

His heart pounded with worry. He still felt it was plenty possible that harm could come to her. Despite what his wife believed, he feared that his family would never be completely safe.

"Jeg går nå, jeg kommer snart tilbake." He told Monika, opening the front door.

("I'm going now, I'll be back soon.")

She hurried into the foyer, her eyes showing concern. "Vær forsiktig."

("Be careful.")

He nodded and left before hopping off the porch's steps and approaching the hill.

Just as he was about to walk down it, a small figure ran, causing him to sprint.

He was relieved but also angry, as there was a specific time Vivian supposed to be home.

The child's hair was now loose and tangled and dirt covered her clothing; the stains would be hard to get out.

He grabbed her hand after noticing red. "Hva skjedde?"

("What happened?")

She avoided eye contact. "Jeg falt og kuttet den på en stein."

("I fell and cut it on a rock.")

Anders sighed and ushered her back into the house, entering the bathroom where he planned to clean the wound.

She noticed his brooding demeanor: his tone was flat and he moved sharply with a frown on his face.

"Hva er galt?" She wondered.

("What's wrong?")

He poured cold water over her cut, trying his best to keep it as painless as possible. She grimaced anyway, as any child would.

But, as he applied ointment and a bandage, he remained quiet.

"Er du sint?" Vivian asked.

("Are you angry?")

He tied the gauze, making sure it wouldn't fall off. "Vet du at du kom veldig sent hjem?"

("Do you know that you were very late coming home?")

She shook her head, now understanding why he seemed that way. "Nei, jeg trodde jeg var i tide!"

("No, I thought I was on time!")

"Du hadde en time ute, men til gjengjeld var du nesten en time forsinket!" He raised his voice.

("You had one hour outside but in return, you were nearly an hour late!")

After hearing the commotion, Monika rushed into the room, witnessing her furious husband and teary-eyed daughter.

"Hva skjer?"

("What's going on?")

Vivian answered first. "Jeg mistet oversikten over tid, Mamma, jeg beklager! Det var en bekk og det var så fint at jeg ikke visste at jeg kom for sent."

("I lost track of time, Mamma, I'm sorry! There was a stream and it was so nice that I didn't know I was late.")

Monika embraced her. "Det er greit, ikke bekymre deg. Du er hjemme nå, i god behold. Det er alt som betyr noe."

("It's okay, don't worry. You're home now, safe and sound. That's all that matters.")

"Det er ikke greit!" Anders protested, "En ren strøm burde ikke ha gjort deg så uforsiktig! Du skremte oss veldig!"

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now