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Vivian's bedroom was located on the third floor of the house. It was decently spaced with plenty of arched windows and colorful decor. It was neat and airy and was charmed to smell like pine.

Jane slept with her that night and the two stayed awake for hours, talking until they had nothing left to talk about.

Vivian went to sleep with warmth in her chest, delighted that she could now spend tons of time with her cousin, even while at school.

When September came, both girls would be going to Hogwarts as transfer students; the older one in her sixth year and the younger one in her fourth. They were very optimistic about the future, having already made plans for things they would do and what they would try to achieve.

But, although the previous evening and night had been so cheery, Vivian awoke up that morning to a scream.

She noticed that Jane wasn't beside her, so, fearing the worst, she jumped up and sprinted down the narrow staircase— her socks almost caused her to slip.

She hurried to the first floor and called for her cousin, following the shouting that was coming from the kitchen.

The worried girl entered to see Lars stomp his foot with a furious look on his face.

"Det er ikke min feil! Det var en ulykke!"

("It's not my fault! It was an accident!")

Jane moved sharply and discarded the burnt eggs and bread. She was even more angry than her brother.

"Men du så fortsatt ikke på klokken! Jeg visste at jeg ikke burde ha latt deg hjelpe meg! Nå har vi laks men ingen egg og brød å ha den på."

("But you still weren't watching the clock! I knew I shouldn't have let you help me! Now we have salmon but no eggs and bread to put it on.")

Vivian sighed, feeling relieved. "Ikke bekymre deg for det, Jane. Vi kan alltids lage flere."

("Don't worry about it, Jane. We could always make some more.")

Jane turned around rapidly, her face as red as her hair. "Jeg er så lei meg. Jeg ville ha en god frokost til den første morgenen din her, og alt er ødelagt. Det skulle være en overraskelse."

("I'm so sorry. I wanted a nice breakfast for your first morning here and it's all ruined. It was supposed to be a surprise.")

Lars huffed and sat on top of the counter, which his sister very quickly told him to get down from.

He ran over to Vivian, close to tears. "Jeg mente ikke å ødelegge det! Jeg trodde jeg gjorde det riktig!"

("I didn't mean to spoil it! I thought I was doing it right!")

Jane scoffed. "Så å gjøre det riktig betydde å gå inn i stuen og leke med lekene dine?"

("So doing it right meant going into the parlor and playing with your toys?")

He glowered. "Jeg planla å spille i bare noen få minutter!"

("I planned to play for only a few minutes!")

Julie came into the room, her nightdress wrinkled with sleep. "Hva skjer? Du har vekket meg med all denne støyen!"

("What's going on? You've woken me up with all this noise!")

Jane and Lars explained what had happened and constantly interrupted each other, so their mother finally made them speak one at a time.

Whilst witnessing this, Vivian felt the urge to laugh. It was silly bickering that was common amongst siblings, something she never had but somewhat longed for.

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now