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Vivian watched as the wound on her arm began to close, stitching itself together and sealing as if it were never cut.

Anders removed his hand. "Der. Gjør deg klar nå."

("There. Now go get ready.)

The girl hopped up from the chair and did so, feeling giddy at the thought of change.

Julie had returned to the United States to pack her things, then she was to go to London with Jane and Lars. After that, she would come to Norway and take Vivian back home with her.

With clean clothes on and her hair and teeth brushed, Vivian hurried down the stairs and stood beside her father.

"Du bruker for lang tid på å gjøre deg klar." He commented.

("You take too long to ready yourself.")

She shrugged, not wishing to say anything to him. It was a bit awkward between the two ever since she yelled at him after their duel.

Anders sighed and took her arm before waving his wand sharply.

Vivian hated the feeling that Apparition gave her, even though one would think she'd be used to it by now. It was her father's preferred way of travel, but herself? She'd rather walk. However, she knew Anders would never take the time to walk the five miles to Seljasund, no matter how pretty the path was.

She opened her eyes and choked down her nausea, the crisp air instantly making her feel better.

She glanced around at the wizarding town, happy to be there once again. She enjoyed Seljasund for its lively atmosphere, ancient buildings, delicious food, music, and the view of mountains and valleys.

Not wanting to be there all day, Anders quickly led Vivian to a hair salon, moving around slow-moving people and carts selling various goods.

Vivian looked at him and found humor in his appearance.

He wore a light long-sleeve over his broad frame and it was far too small for him. She supposed he didn't feel the need to replace it. His back was straight like a pin and he moved rigidly, avoiding eye contact with everyone and anyone. He was quite the introvert, very paranoid too.

Finally, after nearly getting hit by a bicycle, the two entered a building that was fragrant with sweetness and aftershave.

Anders pushed Vivian forward after handing her some money. "Fortsett, sørg for at det er raskt."

("Go on, make sure it's quick.")

She faced him. "Kommer du ikke til å vente inne?"

("You're not going to wait inside?")

He retrieved a newspaper from his jacket. "Nei, jeg venter på benken." He pointed.

("No, I'll wait on the bench.")

She nearly scoffed, finding it stupidly amusing that he brought that with him.

But, before Anders got the chance to exit, a short, older woman approached them.

Her clothing was bright and colorful, consisting of many mismatched patterns. Her wrists brandished countless bangles and a floral scent followed her. She had a kind face, with her greying hair tied up into a knot that revealed carrots hanging on her ears.

"God morgen," She gasped and looked at her watch, "Ettermiddag, faktisk. Jeg burde ha visst det, jeg har nettopp spist lunsj!" She cackled, "Du kan følge meg på denne måten, jeg skal sette dere i gang."

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now