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Anders left the kitchen, carrying a plate of chicken and vegetables.

He placed it in front of his daughter, who was delighted to see carrots, which were her favorite.

"Takk, Pappa!"

("Thank you, Pappa!")

He sat down beside his wife, both now eating their food.

"Viv," Monika began, "Jeg skal gi deg noe."

("Viv," "I'm going to give you something.")

Vivian glanced up, chewing a cooked carrot. "Hva?"


"Dette." She put a pocket watch on the table and slid it over to her.


"Hva er det til?" The girl asked, studying the item.

("What's it for?")

The timepiece was antique, with its gold surface showing a bit of age. It had a chain on the end of it, one that could be used as a necklace or just to carry it.

"Den tilhørte meg, min mor, min bestemor og oldemor. Nå er den din. Jeg vil at du skal ta den med deg utenfor i dag, på den måten kommer du hjem i tide."

("It belonged to me, my mother, my grandmother, and great-grandmother. Now it's yours. I want you to take it with you outside today, that way you'll be home on time.")

The child jumped up from her seat. "Så det betyr at du lar meg gå?"

("So that means you'll let me go?")

Her mother nodded. "Ja, men du må være forsiktig. Du har nøyaktig en time i skogen, men hvis du ikke kommer tilbake innen de seksti minuttene, vil du ikke kunne gå ut igjen. Avtale?"

("Yes, but you must be careful. You have exactly one hour in the forest, but if you don't return within those sixty minutes, you won't be able to go out again. Deal?")

"Avtale!" She wrapped her arms around the woman's neck, hugging her tightly. "Jeg vil ikke skuffe deg!"

("Deal!" "I will not let you down!")

Monika laughed. "Jeg er sikker på at du ikke gjør det."

("I'm sure you won't.")

The girl attempted to leave the table, only to be called back by her father.

"Spis lunsj først."

("Eat your lunch first.")

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"Farvel, husk reglene!" Monika told Vivian, watching as she stood in the doorway.

("Goodbye, make sure you remember the rules!")

"Jeg vil!"

("I will!")

And with that, the child was off, sprinting to the opposite side of the house and down the hill.

"Monika, kanskje en av oss burde gå med henne." Anders whispered.

("Monika, maybe one of us should just go with her.")

"Jeg kan ikke, jeg har fortsatt arbeid å gjøre i drivhuset. Hun trenger uansett muligheter til å være uavhengig. Barn lærer best av erfaring, vet du."

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now