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"We found her" Andrew said as he ran into my office. As soon as he said that I jumped up from my seat. Finally. It has been a week since I have been searching for her and we finally found her. God, I feel so bad.

I followed Andrew out my office as we left the mansion getting into his car as he sped off. An hour later we stopped I front of this old building "this is it?" I asked in disgust at the place.

"Yes, I know she's here" he then said and I got out the car and he did the same. I grabbed my gun loading it as we walked over to the building. When I opened the door two guys tried shooting us but we shot them and they fell to the ground.

A few minutes later a group of men came attacking us. I already messaged my men the location they should be here any second. The men then shoot at us as we shoot at them and then more of my mom come through the door as they shoot at them.

I kick every door open seeing if she is in any of them. I'm about to go to the last door when this guy comes up "hey you need to leave" he yelled.

I looked at him "and if I don't?" I asked and he looked angry.

"You'll die" he said and I then took my gun shooting him dead in between the eyes as he fell to the ground.

"Jaxon, it's good to see you" I then heard her father's voice say and I got angry at his disgusting voice.

"I couldn't say the same I said" as I could see his evil smirk a crossed his face. I turned around looking at him to see him pointing a gun at me.

"Son, put the gun down, you and your men leave or you die" he said as I laughed evilly.

"Your going to be the one who dies" I said lifting my gun up but he shot but he hit my lower abdomen, I grabbed my stomach where he shot and then I heard another gunshot but this time it was Andrew, he shot Demarco in the head.

I walk over to the metal door trying to open it but of course it's locked. I go over to Demarco searching his body when I find keys.

I go through every key until I get to the last one that unlocks the door. I walk in to see something I wish I never could have seen.

Millie was sitting in an old wooden chair as her wrists were cut, she had multiple bruises and cuts all over her body. She didn't have anything but a bra and underwear on her. I walked closer to her and that's when I could see cum on her body.

I took off my jacket as I wrapped it around her body and I picked her up lightly carrying her out of the building.

I laid her down in the back seat of the car as I got into the passenger seat and Andrew got in rushing over to the hospital.


We made it to the hospital in 10 minutes, usually from here it would take about half an hour but Andrew drive at an illegal speed.

When we came to a stop I got out the car as I grabbed Millie out of the back seat as I rushed her inside. Her blood was all over me as i carried her but I didn't care.

"I need help please" I yelled as 2 nurses and a doctor came running towards me. The pulled a bed as I set her down and a doctor and nurse started leaving with her as I tried going with her when a nurse that stayed behind stopped me "what are you doing? I need to be with her" I said desperately.

"Sir, you need to calm down and take a seat. I need to ask you a few questions" she said.

"Calm down? The woman I love is about to die and you want me to fucking calm down" I yelled at her.

"We need to know what happened sir, please" she said pointing to the chairs and I walked over to the chairs sitting down as she sat next to me. "So tell me everything you know" she then said as we sat down.

"Uhm, her father he took her and he beat her every day as he had men come in and do things to her and I think she was getting tired and tried to kill herself" I said lowly as she wrote down all the words I said.

"Okay, thank you sir. We will find the man who did this don't worry" she said.

"No need" I said looking at her and she looked at me with shock understanding what I meant by that.

"I-Ik come get y-you when you c-can see her" she stuttered out all of a sudden scared and then she walked away.I put my arms on my knees as I put my head in my hands.

God, please don't let her die, please. I'm so fucking sorry Millie.


It has been 3 hours since I've been sitting here in the waiting room, right now I am pacing back and forth when I see a doctor come out, "are you the guardian of the young girl?" the doctor asked me.

I shot my eyes at him "yes, well no she doesn't have a guardian" I said.

"What's your relationship to the patient sir?" he asked.

Fuck, I don't know "her husband" I blurt out as I see Andrew's eyes widen with shock.

"Okay sir, follow me" he said as I did just that. He brought me over to a room as he opened the door for me as I walked through to see her laying there with a bunch of wires and a mask over her mouth.

The heart monitor beeping and I could feel tears sting my eyes seeing her. The last time I cried was when I was 5 and my dog died. Ever since I never cried again.

I wiped the tear away rolling down my cheek "I'll leave you be sir" he said to me as I nodded and he shut the door walking away.

I sat on down on the chair by the bed as I grabbed her hand pressing it to her lips as I silently cried, "I'm so fucking sorry Millie, it's all my fucking fault" I whispered to her.

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