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It is right now 6:30 am and I am getting ready to go to the shop. Last night after I ate I was cleaning dishes the cafe called saying that my application was approved and I can start today I was shocked because it was early but I didn't complain.

I said I'd be there and they told me to be in at 8:00. So now I'm getting out of the shower walking to my closet. I'm standing here trying to find an appropriate thing to wear.

I picked out this pink plaited skirt that reached mid thigh and a long sleeve white shirt with black tights and black combat boots. It was a bit chilly today so this will be good.

It's quite a casual outfit

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It's quite a casual outfit.

Shoot. It's 7:38. At least it only takes me 15 minutes. I grabbed my car keys running to my car but now it's 7:40. I have some time.

I started my car and then left going to the cafe. I have good memory so I remember how to get there so I don't have to use maps this time.

I made it to the shop it is right now 7:53. I may have went a little over the speed limit, but it's better being a bit early then late.

I walked inside to see the nice old lady. "Hey sweetheart" she said as I walked in.

I smiled at her "hi Ms" I said.

"Oh please call me Claire hun" she said to me.

"Okay, and you can call me Millie" I said smiling.

"Okay angel" I smiled. It's so cute the little nicknames.


Claire has shown me all the basics of what to do. She stuck me at the register. I had a few people walk in taking orders. It's currently 9:47 and I'm taking this nice ladies order who is around 30-40 but she is so nice.

After I was finished with the lady I looked up. It was this guy I was serving and behind him I saw Chase. I had flushed at the sight. The guy in front was around the same age maybe older but he was short compared to Chase. At least 5'9.

I smiled at the guy though "hey, what would you like?" I asked nicely.

The guy then gave me a smirk "well, I would like your number first of all, and I would love to eat you" he said. My smile faltered when he said that. How disgusting.

"U-uhm, I'm sorry sir but I don't uhm w- want that. I also d- don't give o- out my number" I said with a stutter. Not the kind Chase made me had though. More out of fear.

I looked at Chase and I noticed his balled fist. He seemed angry, I don't if it was at the guy or I was taking too long.

"Oh come in baby, please. I promise you won't regret it" he said to me as he winked. It truly disgusted me.

"Hey, I think she said no. Take no for an answer and leave her the fuck alone dude" I then heard Chase behind him say. He said it so fiercely I could see fear on the guys face. He then turned around and when Chase saw his face he had an amused face.

The guy noticed his smirk and put a braver face on and then said "yea, and what are you going to do about it?" He asked trying to seem all tough. But up to Chase, he seemed like an ant.

I'm glad Chase was here right now.

I then saw Chase lean and whisper something but I couldn't hear what he said. He was so quiet I also have terrible hearing.

As Chase pulled away I saw a look of absolute horror on the guys face. I probably should be scared of what Chase said but whatever he said I'm glad he did.

"M-miss I'm sorry, I just want a coffee with 3 sugars and 3 cream" he then said in fear.

I gave out a small smile trying to seem polite but I was still really uncomfortable "$3.68 sir" I then said as he gave me a 5. I put in $5.00 on the tablet and I gave him the change I owed "$1.32 is your change" I said as I gave him his change

Chase then came up "I don't know what you said to him but thank you so much for helping me out. I hate men like that. It's so disturbing and gross" I said lightly as I looked down.

"You're welcome ma'am" he said to me as I looked at him and smiled. I could feel a blush creeping to my face and I know that he noticed cause of the smile plastered across his face.

"U-uhm, what w-would you like s-sir?" I then asked him nervously. What is he doing to me? I'm usually awkward around guys though. That must be it.

He smiled "hot coffee. Black"  he then said to me.

I put in his order "$2.38 sir" I said and he handed me a 10.  I then put in the amount he gave me and opened my drawer about to dig out my change.

He then put his hand over mine stopping me causing an electric shock to spiral through me. I looked at him "keep the change princess" he then said.

"W- what?" I stuttered.

He then smiled "keep it for yourself. You deserve it." He then said.

"N- no I couldn't. Please take it" I said giving him his change but he grabbed my hand putting it in my hand.

"It's for you" he said winking.

"Sweetie, just take the damn change" said Claire and I laughed taking it.

"T-thank you" I said. I only took it cause Claire said so. Yes, she's old and I always listen to the elderly. Sometimes.

I got out of my thoughts when I saw a different customer. I looked over to see Chase and I noticed he was staring at me. I turned red and looked away. I'm bad with eye contact.

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