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I cant stop thinking about that day and the fear Millie had in her eyes. I sent Andrew out to go see where she has been. It's been a couple of days now but she is no where he can find her.

He hasn't been able to find her anywhere and for some reason all her social media has been deleted which is weird, but also could just be for some other reason.

My only question is, why use her real name if she weee spying on me? That question seems to cross my mind a lot lately. I don't know.

It's just none of it makes any sense to me ever since and some times I feel stupid and I should have listened to Millie but I then remember she's the daughter of my worst enemy.

I just need to stop thinking about her honestly. It isn't going to do me any good. Especially when I have a whole entire mafia I have to run and I'm here worrying about a girl.

I have so much more I need to worry about I can't sit here and worry about her all day long. God, I can't let some stupid girl take over my brain.

I never let that happen before and all of a sudden t Millie randomly appears back and I fall harder for her and she is gone again, like it was their plan all along. Make me lose my train of thought so my mafia goes down hill and his rises.

He knows my mafia is stronger then his but with me not there, my mafia is shit. I know their plan now and I'm not letting it happen. I'm going to go and run my aria and make them stronger then ever.

They may be the strongest here but I need more than that now. After knowing Millie lived here she could have looked through my stuff and found out anything while I was gone.

She could tell her father where my parents live. I can't risk it. I can't risk it at all. I know her dad said if I gave her back he would call truce.

One thing I have always learned was that you can't trust nobody and I now know, even an 'innocent' girl. God, how could I have been more stupid? Could I have not been more blind by her would I have noticed these run ins with her all the time weren't just 'coincidental'.

I need to stop thinking about her. Every time I get into a different thought my thoughts drift off to her.

My phone then started buzzing as I looked to see Andrew calling and I picked up. 

Me: hey dude, what's up?

Andrew: do you have everything for the annual gangsters ball?

Me: fuck, no I forgot. I have a suit I can where though.

Andrew: Alright, I'll pick you up at 7.

I then hung up on him after. For tonight I just need some other chick to take Millie out of my thoughts for me. My only worry of going out has been that I will see her somewhere.

I hope she isn't there, if she is I will go crazy. I really have to stop thinking about her. I need to go to the gym and take out some of my anger right now.

I got up grabbing my gym clothes, keys and my water bottle. I grabbed them all as I walked downstairs and to my car as I unlocked the car getting into the drivers seat.

I started my car pressing my foot on the gas speeding to my private gym.

When I got there I slowed down to a stop and grabbed my shit getting out. My guards were there as they greeted me at the door eyes filled of fear.

I walked through and went over into the gym locker room setting down my clothes. I took my shirt off changing shirts and then the same with my pants.

After getting dressed I grabbed my water bottle as I walked out the locker room. I walked over to the punching bags as I started punching them.

While I was hitting the punching bags I started to feel a weight getting lifted off my shoulders but not fully. I kept punching and punching until suddenly the bag broke because I was punching too hard.

I looked at the time to see that an hour and a half has already gone by, it is currently 5:30 so I'm going to go home eat and get dressed then go to the ball with Andrew.

I walked to the locker room changing and going to my car as I got in starting and sped off to my house. As I got to my house I grabbed my stuff walking to my room as I went to take a shower.

When I finished my shower I got dressed into black button up shirt with a maroon dress shirt and pants.

When I finished my shower I got dressed into black button up shirt with a maroon dress shirt and pants

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I walked downstairs to see it is now 6:45 so I decided I was going to just skip dinner for tonight. I walked to the couch grabbing the remote putting on something random as I waited for Andrew to get here.

A couple minutes after Andrew barged in "what's up?" He practically yelled all happily as I groaned at him "come on stop being grumpy" he said as he came over "come on let's go, it's 6:50 and we don't go now we will wait in line forever" he said and I stood up.

"Let's go" I said and he turned around walking towards the door. We got out and we both just got into his car as he then drove off speeding to the ball.

We walked over to the door as we showed the guard our Id's as he let us through the door checking them.

I put my ID back into my wallet as I ran into someone I looked up to apologize when I saw someone I thought I would have never thought to see again.

"Millie" I said as she looked at me shocked.

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