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"Millie isn't who you think she is. If you are wondering who this is, I'll tell you, it's Demarco, Demarco Sanchez. Yes that's right, Millie is my daughter and I set her up to be with you Mr. Knight, but if you give me my daughter back then I will make a deal with you."

Me: what are you talking about? Millie can't be yours

Demarco: Believe it or not she is, I planted her on you but I wasn't expecting you to kidnap her. I want my daughter back.

Me: what's the deal?

Demarco: you give me my daughter and I leave your mafia alone, I'll call a truce.

Me: fine, it's a deal.

I keep re-reading the messages. I can't believe Millie did that. I hated being horrible like that to her though, I felt so guilty. Then when I saw her crying in the car but trying to hide it but I noticed I just wanted to pull over and hug her and kiss her.

The one thing is that I couldn't not after what I heard. There was one thing that ticked me off though, why would she cry and beg me to save her?

Unless she was just acting, but her father was there, wouldn't she just have stopped? Listen to her father's orders? She did look terrified though.

God, I need to stop thinking about her, she fucked me over. She's done and over with and I need to forget her.

I can't believe it, I was so blinded by her niceness she had towards me that I didn't stop to think she could be faking it. I was only happy that for once in my life someone finally liked me.

When I was in high school I was always bullied by everybody. I was an ugly nerd that everyone found funny to pick on. There was a reason I looked like that though. So people didn't suspect me to be a mafia bosses son.

I wasn't as ugly as I was put out to be, but people still chose to bully me, until one day the most beautiful girl I ever seen walks through those doors. At first I thought she would be just like the rest.

Instead, she came up to me and asked me for directions to the office and I showed her, we then talked the whole way and she wanted to be friends with me.

At first people were shocked but everybody wanted to be her friend cause I mean look at her, so after that nobody bullied me anymore. Not that I couldn't take it honestly.

I could have beat them til they were dead but I held myself back and took it, but anyways, Millie was always so sweet and nice to me. She never cared what others thought of her and for once I felt happy when she was around.

That was until she one day just randomly disappeared, she stopped showing up to school. She lived right across the street from me and one day I looked over in her window to see her getting dressed but then I saw the bruises.

All over her body she had multiple bruises and a black eye. What happened to her? Was what I asked myself. I was so worried. I knocked on the door when her mom opened it "hi Mrs. Sanchez" I said.

"Hi Jaxon, and please call me Maria" she smiled at me softly.

"I just came to see Millie, is she okay? I noticed she has missed a month of school but still is here. Is everything okay?" I asked her and she gave a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Sadly, a bit ago Millie got into a car accident actually, she got all bruised up and stuff and was in the hospital for a bit and now she's home. You can maybe see her" she said gesturing for me to come in "here sit down sweetie I'll be back, hopefully with Millie, but ever since her accident she hasn't seemed so happy" she said.

I sat down at the table as I waited and waited and waited, I then saw Maria come down "I'm so sorry hun, she doesn't want to see anyone" she said and I nodded as I walked out.

I was upset but I didn't want to force her so I left, and after that day it was the last I saw. The next morning was a weekend so I slept in I woke up at 12:30 and I instantly regretted sleeping in because when I woke up, I saw a for sale sign at their house. They moved?

Ever since that day I have been searching and searching for Millie, I was destined that I puked find her and the day I find her I find out it was all fake. Years and time of my life waisted looking for one stupid girl.

She isn't all that special yet, I still want her here in my arms. She fucked me over and I still think about holding her in my arms while she is probably out there with her father talking and laughing about how stupid and naive I am.

Maybe she's having the time of her life right now. "Dudeee stop moping" I then heard Andrew say as he walked through the door "it has been a whole ass week since all that with Millie happened" he said.

"You can leave" I said to him and he just stood there.

"Dude I'm not going anywhere's, I wouldn't want you killing yourself, now would I? Also it's just a girl that was stupid to mess with you, don't just sit here all day and mope around, go out, have fun, find hot chicks" he said and I balled my hand into a fist.

"It isn't that simple Andrew, that was the girl I have been searching for all these years" I finally said as his faces dropped in a knowing face.

"Oh" is all he could muster "right we'll come let's go"

"Where?" I asked him.

"The club bro, you need a good fuck and you will be over the girl" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going" I said harshly and he finally knew to leave me alone. He put his hands up in surrender as he left the room shutting the door behind him.

Why did you do this to me Millie? Why?

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