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Finally! It felt like forever but I finally finished college. Right now I'm at my parent's house searching at places to live from all over. As I was scrolling I saw this one house which instantly caught my eyes.

The description said there were 2 floors, 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms and a garage. It looked so beautiful. The house was white and the door was black and it was like that around the windows as well. It was also only $100,000 which was my budget after all.

I've been saving up enough money so I'd have some to buy a house and I right now have $300,000 saved in my account. I've been saving since I was old enough to have a job.

I looked at the pictures of the inside and it looked so amazing. I got up and brought my laptop downstairs "mom" I yelled.

"Hey sweetie, what is it?" She asked.

I smiled "I found a house, it's $100,000 here" I said giving her my laptop and she looked at it.

"Oh sweetie it's beautiful." Then she had a frown.

"What is it mom?" I asked.

"It's just, you've grown so old and this house is in Brooklyn NY sweetie" she said with a worried tone.

I smiled at her "mom, it's okay. I will text and call you whenever I can I promise you I'll be okay mom I promise" I gave her a reassuring hug.

"I love you sweetie" she said softly.

"I love you too mom" I said back to her.

I went upstairs after words and set my laptop back down on my desk.

I put a listing on the house and they said if I could make it day after tomorrow which I could. I was taking a plane there and I am in Arizona and it's shouldn't take too long by plane.

I ordered plane tickets for tmrw as well.

I guess now all I have to do is pack my things and I'll do my bedding and keep a pair of clean clothes out.


I just got finished packing and I have my pajamas on and I'm getting ready for bed.

I looked over at the time 9:32 the clock read. Oh soot I should get to bed. If I go to bed late I won't be waking up. I got be up at 5 bc I got to shower, there's 30 minutes, then I have to get dressed, there goes 5-10 minutes, then brush teeth, 5 minutes, makeup, 5 minutes I don't do a lot, and then drive to the airport which the closest airport is an 1 hour and a half away and I have to be there before 8 bc the plane takes off at 8:15.

I have so much but it's okay. That's part of life, right.


It's now morning and I'm rushing to get ready. I woke up at 5:35, that's why I set like 10 different alarms. I finally woke up to my 5:35 alarm.

Right now I'm in the shower quickly doing everything. I get out and see it is now 6:00.

I grab my toothbrush and quickly brush my teeth and then I grab my clothes and get dressed. I have black cargo pants with a white cropped shirt that's long sleeved with my white sneakers.

 I have black cargo pants with a white cropped shirt that's long sleeved with my white sneakers

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I looked at the time and it is now 6:23. Okay time to go.

I grabbed my car keys and ran downstairs "bye mom I love you" I said giving her a hug. Shit I forgot my bags.

I ran back up stairs grabbing my suitcase and back bag. I went back downstairs struggling but finally made it down and then ran out the door and put my stuff into my car.

I stepped on the gas the whole way here and made it at 7:50. I rushed to the ticket thing and gave them my name and flight and showed my passport.

The nice lady gave my my ticket and I rushed over and people were boarding the plane already. I went over and got into line.

It finally got to me and I'm now sitting on the plane.

It is currently 8:10.

I woke up because the plane was currently landing so I gathered my things together and then got off of the plane.

It is now 5:00 and I'm just getting off of the plane.

I'm walking through the airport as I see my car. I had it put on the plane I had to pay extra for.

I put my things in my car and then I got into my car and drive off. For tonight I'm gonna be staying in a hotel room and tmrw I got to go check out the house.

I grabbed my phone and typed in on google "closest hotels near me" and a bunch of different ones popped up. The closest one is 30 minutes away from me.

I tapped on that and went into maps and set the directions to get there.

I set my phone up on the phone stand I had as I followed my directions there.

I got closer and I could see it so I turned off maps and drive into the hotel.

I walked up to the front desk "hey, do you have Any one bedroom rooms?" I asked the lady who looked around my age at the counter.

"Uhm let me check" she said in a bored tone.

Thought people would be nicer here guess I was wrong, "we do it's all the way up on the 6th floor though" she said.

Does she think I'm fat? "Oh that's fine I'll take it" I said smiling.

She then typed things into her computer "that'll be $650 please" she said. $650?? Jeez maybe New York isn't the place.

Instead of turning back I grabbed out my purse and took my wallet out. "You guys take card?" I asked cuz I didn't see a card machine.

She rolled her eyes "yes we do" she said reaching out her hand so I gave her the card and she put it in this little reader. So it's by them.

The reader beeped and then she took out my card and gave it back to me "here" she said.

"Thank you" I said and she just did a small 'yep' back. Wow, people are so rude here.

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