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I can't believe I own such a beautiful place. It's the next morning I was exhausted from the move. At least I won't get dirty looks from that girl anymore.

I just woke up and now I'm getting ready to go out and find myself a job. I can't live here without a job. My plan is to find a small job like some cafe or something while I'm in search of the job I've been dreaming of.

I've always liked to read and write stories, but it wasn't I wanted to be a book writer, I never felt good enough. I searched and then found out about being a journalist and instantly new it was perfect for me. I've stuck to it since I was 15. Now I'm 23 and still looking forward to it.

I left my house getting into my car. I don't know my way around yet so I typed into google jobs hiring near me I scrolled through and found this nice cafe that seemed good. It was also only 15 minutes away from me so I wouldn't go far.

Their start payment was $18 an hour which was a lot but a good price. I mean it is New York though.

I followed the directions to the cafe and walked in. I went up to the cashier who was the little old lady "hi, what may I get you?" She asked so sweetly.

I smiled at her "hi, I was wondering if you guys are hiring?" I asked.

"Oh, we are we need help" she said "here let me go get you the paperwork" she said as she walked away.

She then came back after a few minutes giving me the papers "here you go sweetie" she smiled.

"Thank you" I said grabbing the papers.

"You can fill them at a table over there and just give it to me when your ready sweetie" she said and I smiled at her as I nodded my head walking over to a table.

I guess not everyone is rude.

I set down the papers as I looked at them. There wasn't much to it. Just a few questions and then I need to write my name and signature at the bottom.

I filled out the papers and then I got up reading it over making sure I answered correctly until I collided with a hard chest "oh I'm so sorry" I said as I looked up and my eyes met those piercing green eyes.

It took me a minute to realize who it was. My face turned red "you're good" he said low and deep making my legs get weak. He looked at my lips and back up.

"I guess I should've been looking ahead of me" I said with a nervous chuckle and he just smiled.

"I said you're good princess" he said smirking at me and that sent me over the moon.

I blushed really hard and smiled loss of words "u-uhm I b-better go bring t-this back to h-her" I said as I pointed to the little old lady and gosh I wish I didn't stutter when nervous.

He just smiled at me stepping to the side as I walked past him practically running from embarrassment. "Here you go" I said giving her the form.

She smiled "he's cute" she said and I turned red my face in shock.

"U-uhm w-who are y-you talking a-about?" I asked. Stupid stutter.

She laughed "don't be nervous sweetie. I'll go look over this and let you know. Oh you forgot your phone number." Oh shoot I didn't see that.

She gave me the pen back and I wrote down my number giving the form and pen back "thank you" I said.

"You're welcome sweetie I'll text you or call depending on my mood" she said as I let a small laugh.

"Okay well I'm going to get going, bye" I said waving with a smile.

"Goodbye angel" she said which made me smile.

I turned around and collided right into the same hard chest. I rubbed my nose that one hurt I looked up to see the same green eyes "I-I'm s-sorry" I said. Stutter go away.

He smiled "it's okay" I looked down in embarrassment as he moved and I practically ran past him again. This is why I don't talk to guys. Yesterday I was fine but maybe because I didn't run into him. Twice in one day I run into him. LITERALLY.

I started my car and drove off.


I am now home and making supper. I decided to make something quick. Which is tacos.

I'm so excited to eat this. I have the meat cooking right now I'm cutting up the lettuce and tomatoes. I use the already shredded taco cheese which is so good.

I finish cutting stuff up and put it in the fridge so it's ready. I take the spatula and stir around the meat it's now fully cooked so I drain out the grease then I ask the seasoning and water.

It smells delicious.

I got the seasoning all mixed up. Now I'm putting the meat into a bowl and I'm going to set the table. I grab a plate and napkin and then put everything onto the table grabbing a couple spoons for tomatoes and meat.

Tacos is like my FAVORITE food ever. I pretty much eat anything though. Food is the best thing to exist. I grabbed the soft shells which were hot since I warm them in the oven. I grab two and then make my tacos.

I eat it and OMG it's amazing. I was so hungry.

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