8- Leo

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Today it's his turn with Frank.

The gods must hate him to make him suffer like that.

It's not like Leo hated Frank. They just... didn't have the best relationship. Not at all related to him being just like his great-grandfather Sammy, Hazel's ex-boyfriend. And even if they had put ('put' is too much, the word would be 'ignored for the sake of the mission') their differences aside during their voyage on the Argo II, things came full circle when Leo 'accidentally' overheard a conversation between the two.

(A/N before the flashback: For those who don't remember, Leo does die in this AU but he doesn't go to Ogygia for Calypso, he revives instantly in the same place. And if I didn't clarify that in the Disclaimers, I clarify it now).

Leo was fiddling with a nut on his way to bunker 9 after the big ceremony with the Romans. Things had already calmed down and most of the demigods had already gone to their huts, but the son of Hephaestus was restless, maybe or maybe not related to the feeling after coming back from the dead.

On the way, he heard two familiar voices, and as curiosity killed the cat, he went over to listen. The voices were Frank's and Hazel's, venting what they thought of each of the demigods.

"Yes, I guess this way we can conclude with Jason." Hazel's voice said. They both sounded like they had raved about him. "So, what do you think of Leo?"

The Latino seemed to hear a change from pleasant to disgusted from Frank. "Honestly, he scares me. Don't get me wrong, he's good, but..."

Hazel completed the sentence for him. "You're afraid he'll cause a fire or something?"

Frank nodded, tugging at the collar of his shirt. "And besides, he wasn't very useful. I mean, he did the Argo II and sacrificed himself for everyone, but that's as far as-"

The conversation went on (and they possibly went on to talk positive things about him, but he didn't bother to listen), but Leo didn't care. With tears streaming down his face, he ran to bunker 9 and locked himself in.

He hadn't planned on having a self-harm session that night, as he was feeling incredibly better about himself, but he grabbed his razor and let it all flow like blood out of his body.


A/N: This is mostly a flashback, but as I said before, the Leo-Frank and Leo-Hazel relationship (especially the first one) is VERY heavy, and I wanted to introduce this first to justify what will happen later. Also, I'm writing another fanfiction (if you read my notes well, you'll know about what) and it's hard for me to concentrate on both, but I love writing them anyway! And even with this, I want to write as much as possible before March 4th, since that's the day I start classes.

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