Special Chapter continuation

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A/N: I meant to update last night, but I'm having some sort of creative block and could use suggestions for the Leo-Piper interaction. But in the meantime, what better remedy for creative block than to unleash my brain to continue with this alternate history I'm writing on the fly?


Leo wakes up in the morning in a heavy way. The alley stinks, but at least it's better than it was with Miss Teresa. He can still feel her banging and-

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears a faint snore. He turns to see Charlotte, asleep next to him. The girl doesn't look much older than him; she must only be about eleven.

He feels his heart beat faster at the thought of the girl sacrificing her food for him. If she really lives on the streets, she couldn't be so kind.

And he says this from experience.

He is used to having to fight for his food and protect it, just for his survival. The other street kids made it hard for him, especially the ones in gangs.

So he is surprised when Charlotte opens her green eyes and smiles at him.

"Good morning." She yawns, sitting down next to him.

"G-good morning." Leo stutters a little. He feels funny. To top it off, his stomach growls. One slice of pizza wasn't enough.

"Someone's hungry." Charlotte laughs, and takes his hand. "Come, follow me. I know someone who can feed us."

Leo's eyes widen like saucers as she drags him across town. He doesn't even know where he is anymore for all the time he's been running.

Charlotte stops walking in front of an aquarium. It's very big and beautiful, and it's full of people.

"Wait here." She whispers to him and slips through a V.I.P. entrance. Leo sees that, unlike how it should be, no guards care.

The girl comes back with a big box of pizza and two sodas, plus a big smile on her face.

"Hey, where did you get that?" Leo asks, helping her carry one of the bottles. Charlotte just smiles mischievously at him.

"A wizard never reveals his secret."


A/N: I never knew you could be so lazy until I got to write this. But hey, nobody's perfect, right?

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