7- Leo

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The next day was much more... interesting.

It was Piper's turn to be with him. Clearly, they didn't stay at Aphrodite's cabin because of all the people there.

Instead, they went into the woods. Piper wanted to avoid Leo being near bunker 9 as much as possible, and Leo didn't know whether to be grateful or angry with her. After all, the bunker is where he tried to kill himself (and if it were up to him, he'd do it again), but he knows Piper must be uncomfortable with the very idea.

Maybe that's why they're having a picnic in the farthest clearing possible. They are facing each other, with some food around them. Piper is staring at him with those Kaleidoscopic eyes of hers. She's eating a lettuce and tomato sandwich (A/N: Don't judge me for not feeling like looking for a better vegan option, ok?), while the son of Hephaestus hasn't touched the food yet.

The daughter of Aphrodite arches an eyebrow. "Why don't you eat, Leo?"

Leo smiles mischievously, even if his facade is already in ruins. "I'm not hungry, Beauty Queen. I ate a short while ago."

Leo knows that Piper is deeply doubtful about this. It could be because they've been together all day or because Leo looks so thin that she doubts he looks like he's eaten anything in weeks.

In his defense, he's been too busy doing work (and cutting himself and almost killing himself) to 'rest' and 'nourish his body'. But he doesn't really care, unless....

"Eat some chicken nuggets, Leo." Piper tells him, putting as much charmspeak into it as possible.

Leo has to put all his willpower into trying not to eat, and it still doesn't work. He grabs a chicken treat from Piper's basket and starts eating. He repeats that process about five times.

He can't help but feel satisfied, even if deep down something says he doesn't deserve it. That leaves him wondering, since when does he have intrusive thoughts? And since when does he get so hungry?

The son of Hephaestus has to clench his knuckles to keep from devouring all the food. Leaving his friend without food would make him feel too guilty.

But Piper doesn't seem to think so.

"Eat, Leo." She smiles at him, using her charmspeak again.

And Leo does. He starts eating like an animal, almost making up for the three days he hasn't eaten anything. He feels like a damn pig, but he can't stop.

When he finishes all the food, he feels his stomach churn and runs to vomit behind a tree, ignoring the nymph who curses him.

Piper runs to his side, panicking.

"Oh gods, Leo! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-!"

Leo shushes her gently, leaning against the tree awkwardly.

"Easy, Beauty Queen. I'm fine."

Piper arches an eyebrow again. "Shouldn't you go to the infirmary?"

The son of Hephaestus shakes his head, ignoring the suggestion. The daughter of Aphrodite puts her arm around him and helps him sit back down on the blanket.

They stand talking for a while, until Leo yawns and begins to doze off. Piper lays him on her lap and whispers something in his ear.

"Sweet dreams."


A/N: Wow, I finished the chapter! Quick, make a wish!

Now I'm not kidding, this was really hard. I wanted to see if I could make this crap either too soft or too angsty, but I think the next chapters will be heavier because we're talking about the Leo-Frank and Leo-Hazel relationship.

By the way, I'm thinking about doing a fanfiction about Jaime Reyes after the events of Young Justice season 2 because I love to see my comfort characters suffer (for example, this complete fanfiction 'bout Leo) and because I love that series with my soul. Seriously, if you haven't seen it watch it! It's on HBO max and I think if you have your VPN in UK there are also some seasons available on Prime Video.

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