5- Leo

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Leo feels a chill run down his spine. Will's voice seems calm and serene, but serious at the same time. It's obvious this is something important.

"Leo, I see you're better already." The son of Apollo smiles, looking down at the papers in his hands. "We've bandaged all your... wounds, to say the least. I assume Jason explained the terms and conditions to you from now on?"

Jason nods, to which Will lets out a small sigh of relief.

He says a couple more things about Leo, like - at some point - he'll have to work through his obvious problems, but no pressure.

He explains a little more about the schedules of each of his friends to keep an eye on him. The son of Hephaestus finds it strange that none of his siblings are part of the schedule, but he doesn't question it. He doesn't want more people to know about his problem.

"So..." Leo pauses, wanting to ask the obvious question. "Who knows?"

"At the moment, only Nico, the Seven and some Apollo healers, including me." Will explains.

Leo freezes in place. It doesn't bother him that Jason, Piper or Will know. He doesn't even care much about Nico, he's sure he suffered (or suffers, that's in doubt) something similar to him. But Percy, Annabeth, Hazel and Frank? He wasn't even that close with Percy and Annabeth and shared nothing in common with Frank and Hazel, except the prophecy of the seven.

"So, today Monday you get Jason, tomorrow Piper, then Frank, then Hazel, then Nico and over the weekend Percy and Annabeth." Will rehearses, and Leo wants the earth to swallow him up. He feels guilty for interfering with everyone's lives just because he couldn't control his urges like he always does.

He has a few tricks for that. Never go over 15 cuts on the thighs, but always with a clear path at the wrist as long as the cuts are small. And he disobeyed his own rule, which led to this.Jason brings him back to reality.

"Leo, Will needs to check you one last time."

Will looks at him as if to say 'and you better not object, because I'm capable of sedating you if I have to', so Leo just sits back and lets Will take the bandages off.

He can see how Jason and Will react; the healer merely grimaces slightly, while Jason is almost in tears.

The scars are horrendous; they run up and down. The most marked areas are his thighs and wrists, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have many more elsewhere on his body. Some don't even look like they were caused by monsters or himself. They look like sigarrillo burns or belt lashes.

Will doesn't take long to check them, and re-bandages them before giving him a little warning. "Come back to have me check them in two or three days. And, for the time being, no working on any machinery or being around sharp objects. Doctor's orders."

Leo nods weakly, and his guilt increases when Jason has to help him up.

The son of Jupiter gives him a brief smile before they leave the infirmary together.

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